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Korea, 32 CE, Winter
Three Kingdoms Period

Korea, 32 CE, WinterThree Kingdoms PeriodGoguryeo

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"Have a very good rest, your Highnesses." The ladies-in-waiting closed the wooden doors to the marital chambers.

The wedding ceremony was finally over.

Prince Hyun Bin, first son of the third ruler Daemusin of Goguryeo, heaved an inward sigh of relief.

The long, tiring day of ceremonial rites had finally come to an end; now at age 20, he was officially a married man.

His 18 year-old bride, Princess Yejin of Nakrang, was silently sitting across the table from him on the heated wooden floor.

The only daughter of Nakrang's King Choi Ri, the princess was reputed across the three kingdoms to be one of the most ravishing beauties on the Korean Peninsula.

Hyun Bin had genuinely been joyous at one point when the Nakrang King had betrothed his daughter to him, as part of a political marriage alliance between the much smaller Nakrang and Goguryeo, which controlled most of the Korean Peninsula, Manchuria and eastern Mongolia.

Yet there had not been a hint of a smile on her beautiful face since the morning.

"Get me ready for bed." The young prince gently commanded. As his wife, she was supposed to wait on him.

Yejin's large expressive eyes, lined in black kohl with lids tinged at the ends with cinnabar rouge, locked onto his.

Not a word was said, as the princess fixed her piercing gaze onto her new husband.

She rose slowly from her sitting position, hampered by the heavy wedding ceremonial robes, before walking past her new husband.

She rose slowly from her sitting position, hampered by the heavy wedding ceremonial robes, before walking past her new husband

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"Hold it there." His baritone voice held a threatening edge, still unable to believe the hostility he was subjected to.

Yejin stopped in her tracks, still back-facing her husband, who by now, was standing behind her.

"What makes you think you can behave in this defiant manner?" Hyun Bin could feel his growing anger, partly fueled by fatigue, get better of him.

"I am not defiant." She hissed slowly, drawing out every venom-laced word as she turned to face him. "Do not accuse me as such, just because you are not deserving of my respect."

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