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That night, the Crown Prince was sitting at the table, slowly practicing the use of his right hand by wrapping it around the grip of his sword, gently lifting it off the tabletop.

Yejin had just applied a fresh layer of ointment to his largely healed wound, which also meant that he could not put on his sleeping robes immediately.

Yejin had just applied a fresh layer of ointment to his largely healed wound, which also meant that he could not put on his sleeping robes immediately

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Silently, the princess stole a glance at the prince.

Hyun Bin remained preoccupied with practicing his grip on the sword.

Great, the coast is clear, Yejin thought.

The morning's conversation was still weighing on her head.

Ever since her arrival in Jolbon, the two of them had been sharing a bed.

Initially, when Hyun Bin's right shoulder had still been giving him a lot of grief, Yejin had been very cautious in keeping a safe distance from the prince.

She would wake up in the middle of the night to ensure he remained lying on his left side, such that no pressure was placed on the right shoulder.

But as weeks went by, the persistent, throbbing pain ebbed away.

So did the distance between the young couple.

Yejin noticed that Hyun Bin was no longer keeping to the far end of the shared bed. Instead, she would sometimes wake up to his sleeping visage inches away from hers.

She recalled how impossibly regal and aloof he could appear to be at times. This was the same man who always carried himself with limitless, yet elegantly-bridled confidence.

But as Hyun Bin was peacefully lost in slumber, complete with gentle snuffles and the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, he looked so precious and defenseless.

He was free of the physical agony from the wound on his shoulder, and the trauma from the numerous scars on his body which must have come from wounds she couldn't even begin to imagine, and didnt wish to imagine.

In his dreams, this learned gentleman, fearsome warrior, heir apparent to the militaristic Goguryeo Kingdom, seemed to have become a child who only knew love, comfort and freedom.

In the crisp aroma of the chilly morning, this was a very pleasant sight to wake up to, Yejin concluded.

Silently, she admired his beauty.

Until he stirred, and a heavy masculine arm draped itself over her waist, drawing her close to a warm, secure presence.

Startled, yet unwilling to shatter the tender moment, Yejin slowly shifted such that she was lying with her back against Hyun Bin, still wrapped in his embrace.

From the gentle pace of his breathing, she knew he was still sleeping.

The Crown Prince snuggled closer as the slanted morning rays persistently led him out of dreamland, holding Yejin flushed against his body.

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