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The shaft of the arrow had been cut off earlier by Gwang Beom to transport the Crown Prince safely to their base camp without aggravating the wound.

The broadhead blade remained embedded within, with blood slowly oozing out from the site of the shot.

As the Khitans had been severely weakened in ammunition levels at the point when the Crown Prince had been struck, the military physicians hoped that the arrow was of a basic design, and that the blade embedded within wasn't barbed.

"How are you feeling, Your Royal Highness?"

Weakly, Hyun Bin nodded in indication that he was alright, though his lips were pale from the pain.

Beads of perspiration clung to his forehead, as the wound site throbbed with discomfort.

One of the military physicians explained, "In order to treat this wound, we would have to cut the arrow's blade out, especially if it is barbed. That will be excruciatingly painful, but please bear with it. We will then cleanse and plug the wound with linen."

Hyun Bin nodded once again, well-knowing the procedure of dealing with an arrow wound.

He had seen his soldiers go through it.

Some made it, some didn't.

What matters the most was the proper removal of arrow's blade, and the subsequent staunching of blood flow.

Of course, a lot of it depended on luck. If a major blood vessel had been struck, his chances of survival would be rather slim.

But dying wasn't an option; he had to survive.

He had someone waiting for him.

"If your condition permits, we will first set off for Onyeosanseong, where better medical facilities and supplies are available. The mountainous terrain back to Gungnae might be too much for your condition, so we would have to delay your return to the capital."

Oddly enough, in his pain-addled mind, Hyun Bin found himself somewhat less bothered about the arrow stuck in his back, than over the fact that his return to Gungnae would be delayed.

"Retrieve my robes. There's a handkerchief within."

A soldier dutifully complied. It wasn't long before the white handkerchief with wisteria embroidery was placed within the Crown Prince's left hand.

Wrapping his fingers tighter around the silky soft fabric, he thought of her.

Princess Yejin, and her famed eye smile.

He had to survive this; he badly wished to see her smiles again.

Bracing himself as he was helped into lying flat on his stomach, Hyun Bin said, "I am ready."

The physicians gave him a folded length of white cloth to bite on, so that he wouldn't accidentally sever his own tongue when in agony. Gwang Beom and two other soldiers were responsible for restraining him, preventing excessive or sudden movement which could aggravate his injury.

"We will do this as quickly as we can, Your Royal Highness. Please bear with the pain."

Nothing he had ever experienced in this life came close to the trauma of having his raw flesh being carefully split apart.

Blinding pain shot through every fiber of his body as the three physicians cut the wound around the remaining shaft of the arrow open, momentarily shocking Hyun Bin into stiffened silence.

"Your Royal Highness, hang in there!" Gwang Beom shouted earnestly, anxiously, holding the Crown Prince down so that the physicians could remove the blade as cleanly as they could.

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