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Unlike the journey from Gungnae to Jolbon, on which Yejin had constantly felt like she was going crazy from worry, the return journey couldn't be more different.

Sitting side by side in the horse carriage with the Crown Prince, she almost found herself wishing the journey would never end.

Hyun Bin was such a gentleman, she found herself thinking on more than one occasion.

Apart from helping her up the horse carriage and ensuring that her floor-length skirt did not get caught in the wheels of the carriage, he was constantly checking on her to ask if she comfortable.

Whenever she had motion sickness, he would offer pickled plums.

Whenever roads got bumpier, he would always put his left hand on her head such that she wouldn't bump it against any part of the carriage.

Yejin felt so protected; so important.

How nice it would be, if the two of them could remain like this forever. Just leading a simple existence, not having to think about anything political or whatsoever.

How nice it would be, it he wasn't Goguryeo's Crown Prince and she wasn't Nakrang's Princess.

It was then when she noticed a hand waving up and down in front of her face.

"Are you there?"

Startled, the princess pressed a palm to her chest.

"Oh! You scared me, Your Royal Highness."

"Why are you spacing out?"

With furrowed brows, Yejin replied. "I wasn't spacing out. I was thinking of you."

That honest reply, for some reasons, got the Crown Prince secretly smiling in a lopsided, poorly-concealed grin.

That honest reply, for some reasons, got the Crown Prince secretly smiling in a lopsided, poorly-concealed grin

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"What about you, Your Royal Highness? Do you think of me?" Yejin asked softly.

The elated smile which Hyun Bin was trying to hide evolved into one of sincere honesty.

"Yes. All the time." He replied, studying the princess' facial expression, watching her curiosity fade into contentment.

"That's good." Yejin answered, folding her hands in her lap. "Because I think of you all the time too. Especially when I am...studying."

Hyun Bin almost fell off the seat of the horse carriage.

Does this girl not realize how suggestive her words are?

"Oh dear! Are you alright, Your Royal Highness?"

Regally clearing his throat, Hyun Bin shifted into a sturdier sitting position.

"Of course I am. It was bumpy earlier on."

Yejin's features came together prettily in confusion. "I thought the road was quite smooth...oh wait..."

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