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A year ago, they had both been in the same positions, only that things could not have been more different.

Back then on their wedding night, the Princess of Nakrang had genuinely thought she would first kill the Crown Prince, before ending her own life, should he defile her in such a humiliating manner.

Not only for that, but also for the senseless Nakrang village massacres.

She had been filled with resentment and fury then.

Yet everything had changed throughout the course of one year - one eventful year that made her feel at times like she was dying, and yet completely alive.

She pulled herself up into a sitting position facing him, while her hands slowly reached for the knots holding his winter cape together.

A large masculine hand reached up between them to undo the bindings of her hairdo.

One by one, he removed her ornamental jade and wooden hairpins to place them by the side of the bed.

Each lock of perfumed hair previously held up by the hairpins came tumbling down, framing her sweet visage

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Each lock of perfumed hair previously held up by the hairpins came tumbling down, framing her sweet visage.

It felt incredibly intimate, as he ran his fingers through each lock of hair, loosening the strands from the earlier confines of the braids.

In the past one year, they had endured painful separation when he departed Gungnae for the Liao River to battle the Khitan invaders.

They had been through life and death situations, with him suffering a grievous arrow wound, whereas she had braved torrential rains to cross the mountains to reach him.

They had gone through a confrontation, clearing the biggest misunderstanding between themselves.

She kept her eyes on his.

They were the same intense eyes that she had gazed into four seasons ago, except that desire and love, instead of rage and agony, resided within.

Hyun Bin, Crown Prince of Goguryeo.

Yejin knew for certain that she would never tire of the perfection that was his face.

So much strength resided underneath a facade almost unearthly in its beauty, and it made her heart wrench painfully just to lay eyes upon him.

Yet this warrior, strategist, prince and heir apparent to the Goguryeo throne chose her as the guardian of his vulnerability - his heart.

The last of the silk ribbons woven in her hair came undone, just like the whatever was remaining of her sanity.

Long tresses, temporarily wavy from being braided, cascaded over her shoulders.

Yejin was always beautiful at any time, but this was his favorite look of hers.

Free of rouge or glamorous embellishments, she was captivating in her simple, natural beauty.

Article by article, their heavy outerwear and silk robes were shed, leaving the disrobed couple in their undergarments.

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