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Following the grand feast held for the Crown Princess consort and her entourage by the Crown Prince's first cousin, the governor of Jolbon, Yejin and Hyun Bin were heading back to his room.

There was a physician from the governor's manor who was following them, so as to show the Crown Princess consort how to care for the prince's wound.

Everyone else from her entourage, including Hyojin, had their respective accommodation arrangements taken care of by the governor's staff and were instructed to retire early for the night.

The thing that Yejin had not thought of was, now that she was here, everyone was leaving the task of caring for the Crown Prince to her.

With his right shoulder badly injured, even holding a pair of chopsticks was a problem for the prince.

Being Hyun Bin's wife, obviously Yejin had to be the one feeding, bathing, and helping him with dressing himself.

Feeding was okay; she had just done that.


It was a wildly exciting, yet impossibly terrifying thought.

No one bathes with clothes on...right?

Back in the room, the physician helped the Crown Prince in removing his top with practiced ease in avoiding the shoulder wound.

Quietly, Yejin watched and learnt as the physician gradually unraveled the bindings and bandages over Hyun Bin's injury as the latter sat cross-legged on the bed.

He showed the injury site to the princess, before introducing the various salves and ointments meant for wound care.

The older man was almost done in demonstrating the most effective way in bandaging the wound, when Yejin spoke up.

"I think I have reasonably understood and learnt," The Crown Princess consort said, her voice unusually tight. "I will take over from here. Please retire for the night, and thank you for your help."

"It is my honor, Your Royal Highnesses. If there is anything else, please send for me." Customarily, the physician bowed and made his exit.

It was only when the wooden doors were completely shut, and footsteps totally faded into nothingness, did Hyun Bin feel the gingerly touch of soft, feminine fingers skirting around his bandaged wound.

" must have hurt so, so badly..." A pained whisper could be heard.

There was no sign of the same tightness in her voice earlier on.

"How could anyone do this to you..?" Sniffles were heard by now, as the voice was increasingly laden with emotion.

The first sob was heard. " can anyone bear to do this to you...?"

Hyun Bin's heart clenched, struck by the overwhelming concern that he wasn't quite used to receiving.

"Such is war, princess."

Shifting around such that he was facing Yejin, he slowly reached out with his left hand, gently stroking her head.

Those mesmerizing eyes were brimming with tears, from a mixture of heartache and shock at seeing the gruesome wound.

"Do you remember you asked if I like war? I think the answer is clear now, isn't it?" The prince wistfully chuckled.

She sobbed audibly, tears rolling off her cheeks.

"I was just careless. I am alright now. Please don't cry." Hyun Bin gently reassured.

"No you weren't. The major has already told me what exactly happened." Yejin retorted tearfully. "He said you got hurt while trying to save him from certain death."

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