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"Now it's your turn, Your Royal Highness."

Hyun Bin had to squeeze his eyes shut for a couple of seconds.

"Back then after the banquet, you've put your lips to mine, but I don't think you were doing it right. You were not doing enough to connect to the soul."

Hyun Bin drew a deep, long breath.

That's because you borrowed the advanced manual from the governor's wife! He wanted to retort, feeling slighted that Yejin would suggest he wasn't doing it right.

If you hadn't thrown your own pillow book away, you would know that what I did was perfectly correct! Hyun Bin thought further, narrowing his eyes at the princess.

Honestly, she is such an innocent, bubbly, adorable...bully.

Very well.

Since she asked for it, he would gladly accept the challenge.

"Look at me."

She complied.

Leaning in closer once again, Hyun Bin claimed her lips for himself.

Firstly, a chaste peck to the lips, just as how he had done back in their room at the governor's manor.

Lips, still damp from their earlier kiss, brushed against each other.

The warmth which they were both missing from the temporary interruption in contact returned.

A second time, but this time he pressed in longer, feeling her shudder ever so lightly under his touch.

Hyun Bin smiled into the kiss, somewhat unsure yet glad that it was clearly achieving its intended effect on the princess.

Her breathing was clearly rising in pace.

A third kiss, still chaste, still simple.

Yejin could have sighed; how could something as simple as a light touch have such a profound impact on her senses?

It left her wanting more; she wished Hyun Bin could hasten things a little.

Just as she thought he was going to maintain this slow pace and continue driving her uneasy with growing desire, he deepened the contact.

A warm, calloused hand went around her nape to bring her closer, minimizing the distance between themselves in the small horse carriage.

Having done this soul-searing kiss once, the Crown Prince wasn't as reserved as Yejin had been.

For the longest time, he had been so intrigued by this enigmatic creature that was the famed beauty known as the Princess of Nakrang.

Driven by desire, Hyun Bin wanted to know her - he wanted to know her like how she had explored him earlier.

His tongue delved past her parted lips to gently caress hers, before satisfaction once again filled the prince when he felt the princess gasp ever so softly.

To Yejin, being on the receiving end of this act was so immensely different from when she had been the one initiating it, going by the book.

At times it was gentle and slow, with the tip of his tongue gently tracing her teeth, going over the outlines and ridges, savoring the lingering flavor of sweet plum and chestnuts.

At times, it was wildly exciting in how his overwhelmingly male presence dominated her. It was hard to think straight, or even think at all, with Hyun Bin holding her flushed against him, his thumb sensually caressing the back of her neck as he took his time in drinking in her soul.

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