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"Goguryeo would definitely be at an advantage compared with Silla and Baekje, when it comes to diplomatic ties with Dong Ye and Dong Okjeo."

Safely in their bed chambers, hidden from the rest of the Goguryeo royal family, Yejin was busy reading up on the cultural background of the two states.

"They originally share the same language and practices as Goguryeo, which surely is the half the battle won for us." The princess continued.

"If anything, the fact that I was from Nakrang, could potentially reassure the tribal leaders that there would be no threat from the Western borders, effectively assuaging their fears. In turn, they would not perceive a need to rely on Silla and Baekje."

Hyun Bin quietly watched in awe as Yejin strategized, her eyes never leaving the unraveled bamboo slips in her hands.

In the blend of the faint orange glow of scented oil lamps and the pale moonbeams filtering through gaps in their windows, the Princess of Nakrang looked ethereal in her doll-like beauty

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In the blend of the faint orange glow of scented oil lamps and the pale moonbeams filtering through gaps in their windows, the Princess of Nakrang looked ethereal in her doll-like beauty.

She had been unfairly denied involvement in state affairs since birth because of gender, but here she was, working harder than anyone else in the background ahead of a diplomatic mission.

Permission had been granted by the King for Yejin to go with Hyun Bin on his diplomatic mission to Dong Ye and Dong Okjeo.

The King and Queen had initially been reluctant; especially with the latter voicing concerns that the long journey out of Goguryeo would be too arduous for Yejin.

However, it did not take long for the Queen to acquiesce to the princess' request, for the younger lady had gone on her knees and begged, insisting that separation from the Crown Prince was more torturous.

Hyun Bin had knelt to the ground beside her, promising his mother that he would look after his princess consort.

Yejin, who had always carried herself with so much poise, had put her pride as a princess aside, just so that she could accompany her husband.

Hyun Bin would subsequently find out that this was not the first time his princess consort had begged the King and Queen because of him.

"How do you think I got permission to travel to Jolbon?" Yejin had said with a small smile, when they were on their way back to their own palace.

Now, even after nightfall, she was still hard at work, trying to read up on whatever materials she could get her hands on.

The princess' intentions were simple, she simply did not wish to be a hindrance to her husband on this diplomatic mission.

It was huge enough a blessing that she could accompany him; she would do everything within her ability to be of assistance.

"Shall we stop reading?" His cool baritone sliced through her thoughts.

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