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She was either crazy, or foolhardy, or both, Yejin decided.

As the freezing cold of northern regions' fall nights seeped through the gaps in the horse-drawn carriage in which Yejin and Hyojin were in, there was nothing both girls could do but exit the carriage to seek warmth by a fire started by the soldiers escorting them.

They had brought along blankets and pelts, but nothing seemed to be enough in the merciless cold characteristic of these perilous rocky mountains.

Disguised as men, wandering merchants to be precise, Yejin and Hyojin were on their way to Jolbon, the first capital of Goguryeo, located at Onyeosanseong from the current capital of Gungnae.

Leaving the protection of Hwando, the mountain fortress which kept Gungnae in its protection, the princess realized just how treacherous this journey could be if anything was to go wrong.

Mountain bandits, rebel forces, wild animals, accidents or even illness - anything could happen out here in the wilderness.

Guarded by a small entourage of forty imperial guards, with Hyojin accompanying her to tend to her needs, Yejin was to undertake a journey that would cut through treacherous rocky crossings, uneven mountain paths and thick vegetation.

It was estimated that the journey could take four days even if they traveled day and night.

This was only the second night.

Already, Yejin had vomited thrice from motion sickness along this journey, and accidentally bumped her head and limbs countless of times when the winding mountain roads got too bumpy.

As Hyojin leaned forward to throw  more twigs onto the burning fire, the princess said quietly.

As Hyojin leaned forward to throw  more twigs onto the burning fire, the princess said quietly

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"Hyojin...I'm sorry I got you into this. It must be so uncomfortable for you."

The handmaiden was genuinely surprised at the princess' apology.

"You shouldn't be apologizing for anything, Princess. It's my duty. I actually feel less worried, being out here taking care of you, instead of waiting back in Gungnae."

"And you're giving me all the warmest blankets too..." Yejin whispered guiltily, before lifting the blankets up. "Come here, share this with me."

Hyojin started to refuse, but was quickly interrupted.

"I insist."

The lady-in-waiting relented, scooting over so that the princess could drape the blankets over her as well.

"See? That's much warmer, isn't it?" Yejin smiled.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

"I should thank you instead, for volunteering without hesitation to come with me when I asked the King and Queen for permission to head to Onyeosanseong."

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