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@MamaNiAnna Happy Birthday, Lovely Lady! 🎂🥂🎉

SonHyun6, just keep swimmin', just keep swimmin' - fighting! ❤️

A/N: so after the evil cliffhanger, I bring you...Kleenex time. 🤧


Stiff fingers twitched, as the male figure lying on the beach moved ever so slightly, stirring from a state that resembled death.

His addled mind fought to make sense of his surroundings; there was the unmistakable, lulling crash of gentle waves against the shore.

Somewhere above, the croons and squawk of circling seagulls were heard.

This is...the seashore?

The sounds from the seagulls were rather annoying, he absentmindedly thought, slowly cracking an eye open.

Hmm. Even such a simple act brought discomfort.

The squawking became softer.

His hearing was fading in and out; somehow, his current position was uncomfortable, but the irony was that any attempt at movement felt even worse.

Bit by bit, he regained the use of his senses.

There was an almost unbearable, damp stench lingering in his nose.

Fishy, briny, sour and revoltingly musty, it didn't take long for him to realize it was coming from himself.

How long has he been out here?

His body felt so stiff, as in someone had tied him up and encased him in resin.


His eyes flew open in that instant, before the crusty salt grains clinging onto his lashes and discomfort from the brilliant sunlight soon forced them shut with pain.

Mental images flashed across his increasingly alert mind - the masked assailants...

Blood, a lot of blood, raining upon him...

Clashes of swords against swords...

The encirclement...

Run. Run and run and run.

Yejin...Yejin sprinting ahead...

The dead end, and the leap off the cliff...

The forceful impact that came after free-falling...when velocity dropped almost instantaneously to zero.

For a moment, the dimly shimmering walls of inky water and soundlessness had been oddly beautiful...

He tried to swim, he was holding on to her for all he was worth...

...the raging wave that came barreling towards them, crashing, throwing them underneath the surface...

Thrashing in the invisible prison of currents and fear...

Thrashing in the invisible prison of currents and fear

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