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The next morning, Prince Hyun Bin was almost ready to attend his daily morning court session at the imperial grand hall with the King and other state ministers.

All that was left to do was to bandage his thumb and head out. Looking at the lacerated flesh, it would likely be another week before he could resume archery practice.

Sitting at a table in the main living area of their palace, he was slowly cleansing the open wound with boiled water before trying to apply medicated cream on it.

Heavy rustling of robes was heard, and before he could really grasp the situation, Princess Yejin had knelt down by his side.

He didn't know she was awake.

In the close proximity, he could smell her magnolia scent.

Creamy sweet, with a faint citrus nuance

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Creamy sweet, with a faint citrus nuance.

So caught by surprise was he, that the prince dropped the small wooden spatula that he was using to dab the medicated ointment onto the raw wound on his thumb.

He could have asked a servant or sent for an imperial physician, but it was only a thumb. There was no point in causing unnecessary alarm.

"Do you need help with that?"

Hyun Bin froze, turning slightly to regard his princess consort.

She was actually offering to help him.

Awkwardly, the prince looked slightly away, not knowing what to say.

"Here." Slowly, the princess held out both hands gingerly in front of her, inviting him to put his in them.

Her face was largely expressionless, though in her eyes lingered a slight tinge of tenderness.

Hesitantly, he placed the hand with the scraped thumb in hers.

The first contact they've had in over three months sent both hearts beating faster than they should.

It was an irony, Hyun Bin thought, that he could feel the princess' hand so much more in detail when it was just one simple touch.

Her skin was so soft compared to his; it was almost silky to the touch against his calloused fingers.

For hands so small and fair, they were surprisingly warm.

This wasn't the first time Yejin's hand was in contact with his person.

The last time it had happened, those slender, smooth hands were desperately fighting to push him off her.

Those small hands had been balled up in fists, trying futilely to inflict pain on him as he pinned her down and blatantly took physical advantage of her.

"This might hurt." Yejin softly said, dabbing herbal ointment before gently spreading it over the raw wound.

Glancing up a few times, she checked his face for discomfort.

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