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Spring had revisited the vast lands of Goguryeo, and Yejin had suggested to Hyun Bin that they went boat rowing down the Dongga river.

Plum blossoms had just started blooming, dotting the river banks in vibrant pink.

It was also a good opportunity to witness for herself the superior boat-making skills that Goguryeo had

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It was also a good opportunity to witness for herself the superior boat-making skills that Goguryeo had.

Apart from that, the princess had a small mission which she had been planning to carry out.

Now, standing along the banks of the Dongga river with Hyun Bin, Gwang Beom, Hyojin, and numerous guards and servants, Yejin watched as some guards towed a few boats into the water.

The guards assigned to the respective boats soon took their positions.

Everyone was waiting for the royal couple to board their boat, until...

"I need my handmaiden to be out there with me." Yejin suddenly spoke up, meeting her husband's eyes.

That caught Hyojin by surprise - the Crown Princess consort had told her earlier on their way to Dongga River that she was to remain on the river bank. Why was her presence suddenly required again?

"Your Royal Highness, I thought you said..." The handmaiden turned to the princess, before politely asking.

Nonchalantly, the princess shrugged. "I've changed my mind! It's always more reassuring for me, knowing that you are by my side. Now, please arrange for a boat for Lady Hyojin."

"You heard the princess." Hyun Bin chimed in, gesturing with a small wave of his hand, sending the guards into a flurry of activity.

As the men prepared another boat along the river bank, Yejin turned to her handmaiden with a faint, innocent smile.

"You can row the boat alongside mine, Hyojin."

"But, Your Royal Highness...I don't know how to row a boat!" Clearly flustered, the handmaiden was shaking her head in refutation.

This was strange; the princess had never made demands, much less be one to put others in a spot.

"Maybe you don't, but..."

Suppressing a smile, Yejin turned nonchalantly to an unsuspecting Gwang Beom, pointing at the Major who was in charge of the security arrangements for their outing.

"...he knows how." She confidently announced, before turning to Hyun Bin with a slight furrow of her brows. "Does he?"

"Of course he does." The Crown Prince replied dutifully, resisting the smirk that was threatening to form on his face.

"Perfect." The princess smiled.

Gwang Beom was absolutely gobsmacked.

Eyes widening, he locked eyes with Hyun Bin, clearly asking wordlessly, 'what on earth is going on?'

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