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"You'd have to give him one of these coins." Hyojin patiently explained, pointing at the bronze and silver coins in Yejin's open palm.

" Hyojin patiently explained, pointing at the bronze and silver coins in Yejin's open palm

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"Just like that? This is how money works?"

Awestruck, the princess picked a bronze piece out and passed it to the vendor selling steamed buns.

The two girls were dressed as commoners at the marketplace, so as not to draw unnecessary attention to themselves. Imperial guards lurked around them among the crowd, ready to protect the princess whenever needed.

"We mostly barter back in Nakrang, so the concept of using coins and silver vases is rather foreign to me." Yejin replied. "Goguryeo is very advanced indeed, as expected of a large state with so many trade links with the Hans."

Cautiously taking two freshly steamed buns from the vendor, the princess passed one of it to her handmaiden.

"Here, have one."

Surprise and disbelief grew on the handmaiden's face. "You're giving me a bun, pri-"

Yejin smiled, putting a finger to her lips in a shushing motion.

It wouldn't do, if the people around them discovered that she was the princess.

"I am not allowed to eat in your presence-

"Yes, you can." Yejin smiled reassuringly, before blowing on the hot bun and taking a tentative bite out of it.

It was never in her personality to harp on hierarchical differences.

The lady-in-waiting, who was a mere two years older than the princess herself, smiled gratefully and raised the bun to her lips.

"I shall partake then." She took a cautious bite. "It's so warm and delicious!"

The two young ladies slowly ate and browsed the marketplace's stalls, looking at feminine fashion items like silver trinkets, and a wide array of knotted braids and beaded tassels for waist sashs.

They paled in comparison to the finery available in the palace, but it felt so much better when there was freedom of choice.

Back in the palace, even simple items like decorative braids for her waist sash and hair accessories were all allocated by the imperial household department and the interior ministry.

They were mostly of the newest designs from China, embellished with the finest jewels and pearls, but Yejin found herself increasingly disinterested in these material luxuries.

One can only own so many pearl hairpins.

Deep down, the princess was very lonely indeed.

She genuinely missed her family and Nakrang.

Compared to Goguryeo, Nakrang was so minuscule in terms of size.

They did not have a currency system,

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