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Author's Note: Lots of research done on ancient shampoo and body wash!
Enjoy the tension and slow burn in this one.

He was lying on his side, such that there was minimal pressure on the wounded shoulder.

Silently, Hyun Bin slowly gazed upon the sleeping visage of the princess.

Dawn had revisited Jolbon a long while ago, but Yejin remained sleeping.

Unsurprisingly, she must have been drained from the arduous journey from Gungnae to Jolbon. The governor had sent handmaidens to check on the royal couple, but the Crown Prince had dismissed them.

His Yejin deserved her rest.

Truth be told, Hyun Bin remained in disbelief; the princess usually exuded poise and languid feminity.

Yet she had turned up at the governor's manor with half her entourage, drenched to the skin and covered in mud, with half-worn leather soles on her usual silk woven shoes.

All because she wanted to see him.

For the first time in his life, Hyun Bin felt like his soul had a warm home to return to in the form of Yejin.

He had never wanted any form of eternity until now; he never thought it necessary.

Yet she got him rethinking.

This was the first time he had ever seen her sleeping since they got married nine months ago.

In slumber, her long inky black hair was released from their usual braids and twists, and Hyun Bin realized for the first time how much longer her hair actually was than it seemed.

Her lips, usually painted cinnabar or carmine at official events, were naturally a shade of soft pink that reminded him of lush summer peonies.

Those eye lashes, on which he had often seen teardrops clinging to, were resting on alabaster cheeks.

Her hands had scrapes and scratches on them, evident of crawling over rocks and boulders in her journey to Jolbon.

There was a strong scent of herbs clinging on to her, masking the usual magnolia scent that she loved to wear.

For awhile, Hyun Bin did nothing but watched Yejin sleep, enamored by her dainty frailty and the steely resilience that ran within.

The lapels of her sleeping robes were slightly open from turning around in her sleep.

He really shouldn't pay it further attention, but subtly peeking from between the lapels, was the gentle, womanly swell of her bosom.

Full, feminine and curvy.

Hyun Bin quietly gazed upon Yejin, the gentle rise and fall of her chest almost hypnotizing to watch.

What a homely and peaceful picture she was, warming his heart from the recesses on a fall morning.


Subtly, the Crown Prince gulped.

Bath time.

In all his twenty years, Hyun Bin had never been so nervous about taking a bath before.

Taking baths with the help of male physicians and servants in the last few days, had been somewhat humiliating.

However, there was respectful distance kept as they handed him wooden scoopfuls of water to wash himself with.

With the arrow shot wound being on his back, Hyun Bin was back-facing the physician and servants most of the time, which made the embarrassing experience tolerable.

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