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"Yo, gather your things up, we're meeting the others later" as I heard that from Seonghwa I quickly stood up and took a shower.

It's my 6th month in military and it sucks that I can't hold my girl in my arms right now.

But I don't care that much since I am doing this to serve the nation and be a pride of my country.

"Dude stop day dreaming come on" Seonghwa said and tucked his shirt inside his pants.

"Lieutenant Jung, here are Mr. Park and Mr. Kim, they had visitors right?" a higher soldier told him as soon as we stepped out.

"There's a lot of people outside, please see them and come back in after the designated bell" he said and saluted back to us.

We marched proudly outside but then I crumbled as soon as I saw that it was the other 6 and my girlfriend.

"Surprise, belated happy birthday!" they all said and came to hug me. Seonghwa broke his stern look and hugged the others.

"Hi I missed you" she said and clinged onto me. I grabbed her and hugged her tight like it's my last day.

"Talk about social distancing" - Mingi

"Why are you salty?" - Seonghwa

"Do you want a hug too?" - Yunho

"Ew" - Mingi

"Y'all let's hug Mingi" - Yeosang

"Don't touch me please" - Mingi

"Oh come on, such a big baby" - San

Then after that commotion we decided to eat and talk about things that happened.

"I got 2 wins already for my song" Aerim said and smiled at me. I held her hand and whispered.

"After my service, I'll go marry you"

She blushed and jokingly punched me on the shoulder.

"Oh by the way San" I called San's attention. He turned around and raised a brow.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER? I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL STRANGLE YOU RIGHT NOW" I said. They all laughed as San tried to run away.

"Bro chill, that's months ago, we just stayed as best friends okay?" San said as a smug look was plastered on his face.

"Oh you better" I said as the guys continued to laugh about it. Then the bell rang so I immediately stood up and kissed her.

"Not in front of us, ugh" - Jongho

"The youngest wants a kiss too?" - San

"No San, you're disgusting" - Jongho

Before I left I said good bye to them as Aerim hugged me one last time. I haven't told her yet that I'll take part in a difficult service.

I'll just do well in my training so I won't get injured during the time being. I need to get out alive and healthy after this.

And also as I think of it I'm kinda scared for my emotions right now. If the guys didn't visited me, I would've not felt like a human anymore.

It's not like it's a bad thing going on a military service but I'm kind of losing my emotions as months pass by.

I stared at Seonghwa who was doing some basic push ups and called his attention.

"Yes?" even the way he answers is so bland now. I just gave him water as I think of things to write in my letter.

Being confined to wake up early everyday, eat at a designated time, work, and sleep is hell to me.

And if Aerim didn't told me about San's feelings I would've known. I'm not actually feeling betrayed, I just feel sad.

But I trust Aerim and San, they won't do unnecessary things that would make me lose patience about this.

I don't know. I'm kinda bad at expressing emotions so I just do my best to get out of here and finally enjoy my life outside.

"Hey, do you have an extra paper? I'll deliver a letter to my girlfriend" I asked Seonghwa. He just went up, gave me the paper, and continued exercising.

"Sheesh stop overworking yourself, get some rest" I said and continued to write about my day and plans.

"I have nothing else to do lol" he said and continued to do a plank. If he doesn't stop I'm sure he'll be bigger than the Hulk after this.

After finishing the letter I quickly wrapped it and sent it to the delivery room.

"You sure are a sweet man, military isn't getting to your emotions yet" the old lady said. I just smiled and answered her.

"Yeah, I have a girlfriend outside and I can't wait to meet her" I said. She packed the letter and gave me a candy.

"Love wins in the end, go on young man your service is in two weeks, good luck" she said and waved good bye to me.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀彡𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐉𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now