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Cameras were everywhere. The household is quiet until a pair of small feet ran around.

"Oh there's our new baby! Who is he?" one of the commentators said as they adored the young child.

He was about 2 years old. A very wise and pretty boy. His skin was softer than cotton and his eyes glowed radiantly.

"Aigo~ Whoever his parents are must be very good looking, he's prettier than me" the female host said and joked around until a young mom in her 30's walked out of the room.

Then a series of world tours flashed thought the screen. All her shows, comebacks, and commercials were shown.

"Ah~ The refreshing solo artist Yoon Aerim!" the host said. Aerim looked so happy. She carried the boy towards the room to wake up the dad.

"Who is our new Superman?" the host asked and in an instant, Hongjoong woke up and smiled at them.

Yes. They got married and are now a part of the variety show, The Return of Superman.

"One of the strongest celebrity couples I know! After they revealed to be dating they got married and now had a kid. What a dream!" the host said as the producers rolled all of their mini clips.

Hongjoong looked so happy. It's like he can smile all day long until his jaw falls off. It's just all that he ever wanted.

To have a successful career. Marry his highschool sweetheart. Top all billboard charts. And be a leader of the most successful group of his time.

If this part was the first one to be told, some will believe that it was easy, but it wasn't. All they did was go through series of unfortunate events.

They wanted to give up, but they just strived and moved forward. Just like you and me.

No matter what happens, please never give up. You'll see the light in the end of the tunnel soon.

It may take years.

But as long as you believe.

Nothing will go wrong.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀彡𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐉𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now