Prologue I

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Shiosaki's POV:

Ahh..... Just another normal day, being just a young adult, close to his dreamed job, walking towards another place like many others.

Clearly going to my parents house, I see my self crossing the street, every step getting near the place I've once called home, after all, I'm already on my twenty's, coursing trough the University of Shokage. At first I planned in coming at my parent's place along side my friends, but like me, all of them have their own issues, like getting out with their other friends, working on their jobs, having a family meeting (just like I am doing right now), and maybe because of some more "personal" things, but I'm not bothered basically, after all, they need their own space.


After travelling around the city for some respectable 30 minutes, I've finally arrived to the door of my former house. Some knocking on the door was enough to make, whoever was in home to notice me, being this case my mother, whose expression at first was curious, after noticing me, she let out a warm smile.

"Shio-kun, you arrived a just in time" said my mom while letting me in, (like normally in our country, our shoes stays at the entrance while we enter) I took the word of my mother and entered to the place I used to live before, as I remember correctly, I felt a warm sensation just entering, being clearly right close to the living room, some simple yet comfortable couches being right in front of the T.v which was showing what I used to watch as a kid.

"Still feel like I remembered" I said out loud which I later on cover my mouth sheepishly while looking at my mother a little embarassed, instead I saw from her a warming smile alongside a small chuckle coming from her mouth.


"Don't be, at least is enough to know you miss us"

"Oni-chan!" After hearing that word, I knew who belonged to. My dear little brother Zorahiko.

" Zorahiko, no running at the stairs, you could get yourself hurt like your brother used to at your age"

"D-dad" I could only sweatdrop at that comment, but yes, my father used to warn me about the same things when I was younger, but their were some beautiful events I had with him, whose clearly coming along side Zora from the stairs, maybe their were playing together.

"Nii-san look!, I'm just like Izu-nii, don't I look cool?" I could only look at him with nostalgic eyes, yes, my brother was a big fan of BNHA, a series where the protagonist its a teenager coursing trough out a 'hero' school, being, if I remember correctly of how my friend told me, the succesor of the strongest hero.

......he he, now that I think about it, it's been years since I haven't watched an anime. In my days as a kid I used to watch those series, like Dragon Ball, Naruto, Saint Seiya, hell even Ramma and Sailor moon, those were the days, now I've abandoned that tendence in order to fulfill my duties as a student, although I missed the thrills.

Now I see my brother, and I cannot keep myself from thinking at those days, if i see him correctly, my brother wearing one of the protagonist's 'hero suits', it looks like a bunny though.

"Zora, how many times I've told you to not dress so ridiculously" Why am I not surprised?, my dad used to yell the same things, now I can only sweatdrop at this.

"Dear, its okay, he's just a kid" moon defended my brother as she used to defend me, its was kinda normal this behavour of my father, after all he dislikes this tendence, specially of how the 'otaku' makes it. Well I was not so different before, I also used to personalised myself as kid goku or even sasuke who was my favourite character in Naruto, ahhh some many things change.

"Nii-san, I recently watched how Izu-nii defeated some terrifying villain with many muscles, it was so cool how he punch trough his defence and protected the kid, I was like 'SUGOIIII'" how funny, my brother mimicking those moves, again reminding me of the past, when I used to imitate Goku's kamehameha and in some times Naruto's rasengan, now that I think about it, it does look embarrassing.

My mother couldn't help but chuckle at this while reasuring my otouto, and my dad in some point apologysing with mom, after all he can help himself to act rude against fans, after all, he works with a completely embarrasing otaku, his work mate Tsukuyomi Takade, damm, even I get embarrased near him.

Thinking about anime, my friend did told me some flaws of the nowadays series, always saying that our series were far more better than nowadays, using as example 'Boruto: Naruto's next generation' , in what he described, this series was about the descendant of Naruto, a kid named ,Boruto Uzumaki, whose, by my friend's description, he's a lame version of Naruto, dishonoring the dinasty Naruto forged with his tale. I cannot judge, because, as I said before, I've abandoned that tendence.

"Well, enough chit chat you three and let us go to the kitchen, we have a meal waiting for us" said my mother kindly while following us, who we were just ending our arguments and going straight to the kitchen.


"Well son, how's school going" asked my dad while eating some rice from his bowl. We were currently sitting on the table having our meal, which was composed of a bowl of rice, some soya sauce and lastly some katsudon, although a little bit more krispy than normal.

"Nah everything's fine dad, you know, proyects, homeworks, teamwork and mny other things, but nothing out of the ordinary of course". I answered while having a bite at my food.... Damm, I forgot how tasty mom's food was, after all I'm used to enjoy my friend Chitoge's and even Megan, who is my girlfriend, when she comes to visit my apartment.

"I'm glad everything's fine, although, how are your friends, if heard correctly from you, Tou-kun was trying to pick on Chito-chan" said my mom while looking at me directly, I did forgot Touya had something for Chitoge.

"Yeah, I knew Touya tried something, but I don't exactly know the full detail, we had to stop reuniting between ourselves because of the final exams, so I have poor knowledge about it" I answered sincerily, I do not know that fact.

"Oh, my bad"

"Mom, what are you talking about?" asked my brother, he's just to innocent for his own good.

"We'll tell you when you grow up" me and my dad said simultaneously, when we found out we just laughed, the weird yet funny coincidence.

"And how about Meggy-san nii-san, is she alright?" Now my brother asked me something I didn't expect, but at least I'll answer it.

"She's fine Zora, just like and the others, a little to busy but nothing out of normal"

"Does she still thinks I'm cute?" Said my brother with a cute pout, dammit, so cute.

"Things of girls Zora, I cannot answer that correctly"

"When will be the time you asked her marriage dear?" Now that was clearly shocking, she literally caught me of guard.

"M-m-mom, where did that come from?!" "Your mother's right son, I'm expecting some children now" "OTO-SAN!!?" My family was laughing hard of my embarrassment, I was so nervous thay my face was literally a tomato. But at least I get to be with my family, I do missed this feeling and I'm happy as well.

Like they said, I am planning to ask Megan to be my wife, we've a couple since high-school and our love is pure. I cannot help but to feel afortunate of this.

"Although I didn't though, that my future, was about to change"

End Prologue I

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