Chapter XXVI: Unexpexted guests; More sudden problems

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*Jump 112 - 2016*
Wild Wild Pussy Cats territory - Camping Site (minutes after Trunks and Jotaro left the Jump)

It was a nice night at the forest, as it became a completely pacific place, out of any sign of nocturnal dangers and many animals that could harm the life of the many signs of predators nearby..... Or that was what we thought.

On a certain part of the forest, we see a mountain deer, as this one was feeding of some grass below it's hooves, but just not far of its location, hidden behind some bushes, the sign of two pouchers were caught, as they looked at the deer with a maniac gaze.

[Low tone] "Oh ho, this time is a big one-" the poucher said, as he loaded his gun, now aiming at the animal, which still wasn't aware of his presence, as it gazed up infront, as he heard a small sound.

"Easy boy... Easy" the poucher now had his aim exact, as he now had a finger in the trigger. But he also wasn't aware of the hand chop just behind his foreneck, as he now was ready to shoot.

[Chop] [Thump]

The deer alarmed now gazed at the origin of the sound, as it ran away in fear, although safe, as the poucher was now unconscious on the ground, as he was knocked out by the hand, which returned to its owner. The owner?, none other than a member of the Wild Wild Pussycats: Tiger, as the man now had his arm in its original position.

"Hmm, a second late and the innocent animal would've been dead for ilegal pouching [scoffs] such a dishonorable crime against nature" the profesional said, as he jumped off the tree where he was, as he landed just besides the poucher, as he carried it at his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Let's take this criminal at the law" the profesional said, as he now walked towards a certain cabin, as after a long walk through the forest for about twenty minutes, he now arrived at the cabin, walking out of the bushes as he appeared meters away of the main entrance.

"Once again a succesful catch Tiger!" A blonde woman with dressings similar to Tiger exclaimed, as she winked in excitement at the man, who just kept stoic at her antics. This woman was his partner and other member of the Wild Wild Pussycats: Pixie bob.

"I would've appreciate some help next time Pixie" the man said, as he passed besides the woman, as she just turned at the man with a pout in her cheeks.

"And I would've appreciate if you smile for once Tiger" as she said this with a comical annoyance.

"Maybe some day Pixie, some day" the man said ignoring her words, as Pixie only sighed in defeat and entered the cabin besides Tiger.

Now inside, they were greeted by another cheerful person, although this in a more formal clothing, as it ressembled a manager.

"Heiya Tiger, Pixie!" The new woman exclaimed in excitement, as she held her hands opened besides his face in an active pose. This woman had a light bluish green hair, her figure, like Pixie's was an attractive combination, and her eyes were honey yellow, she is the third member of the Wild Wild Pussycats: Ragdoll.

"Hey Rag, have you been feeling better of the situation back then" Pixie bob replied at Ragdoll, as the woman now gained a common posture.

"I'm fine Pixie, even without quirk I will still be a member of the Pussycats no matter what!" Ragdoll exclaimed, as she yet again posed at the two, who gave a smile at her words.

"I'm glad you're still the same, even after the attack" Tiger said in happiness, as the woman just smiled back at him. For the Pussycats, the day at Kamino Ward, just when it was the last day of debut of the ex-Symbol of Peace: All Might wasn't really a good day for them, as thanks to the medics, the other members were given the news that Ragdoll's quirk was stolen by All For One at that same day, leaving one of them quirkless, but even after knowing she was now quirkless, Ragdoll never ceased her smile, as she voluntarily started to work behind the scenes as strategist for her team mates, getting them to be relief of the worry of her losing her job. Nowadays it wasn't any bother for the team anymore, as they now worked at a succesful team, even with that flaw on her physiology at the moment.

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