Chapter XI: The conclusion of a battle, A secret of chaos revealed

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*Jump 112-2016* UA Academy

(Imput music, rock battle song as you like)

As the battle began, both Izuku and Galena took once again distance, as they prepared themselves another clash. Galena, by wirling her staff, generated a powerful blizzard, that changed the climate of Field Beta. Izuku got confused of this, but then he realised her idea, in which her force his body, by constantly vibrating his muscles to generate heat, while his normal Full Cowl aura turn from jade green electric aura to a bioluminicent green flaming aura, as his hair stood up a bit, taking a little hint of the same color, his eyes shined in the same bioluminicense as his starting to bright in a red, heathened tonalty, his muscles buff a little bit, but his complexture stood slim.

'One for All: Full Cowl, radiator style 30%' that was his thoughts as his body generated a little bit of steam, being specially because of the low temperature of the surrounding. Galena analised his appearance, taking a guess of why of his change, until it ticked her.

'Interesting, he increased his body temperature in order to withstand the numbness, as well increased his body complexture as he prepared for a fight of speed huh, *malicious giggle* this kind of reminds me of gear 2' Galena thought in fun as she then generated two pilars of ice, moving forward as they change in the shape of two dragon heads, ready to chomp him out.

As they were near enough him, Midoriya then blasted off in an unhuman speed, taking care of one of them, and then using the other one to get near, as his speed ressembled of a slower version of The flash. In which he appeared right in front of her, conecting a punch towards her face, which she surprinsingly blocked with her staff, making a powerful shockwave that obliterated the ice attack and broke the windows of the surrounding buildings.

This was seen by the rest of Class 1-A, as they were shocked of the demonstration of power they've showed.

"Si-since when Midoriya can do that!?" Asked Mina, completely shocked of his ability.

"I-I don't know, but like that he should be faster than Iida right now" said Ojiro impressed as this fact shocked the mentioned.

"N-no way!?" Said Kaminari in disbelief.

"His appearance, he looks like he's increasing his body temperature by constant vibrations on his muscles, and also increasing his speed and agility" explain Shoto, receiving shocks from the rest.

"Midoriya seems to never stop impressing us" Shoji said receiving nods in aproval.

"But let's not ignore the fact of the abilities of that gal, Jeez I could even say she clearly surpasses Todoroki in the terms of brute power of ice" exclaimed Mineta, receiving shock gazes towards him.

Gazes he noticed "W-what?".

"You said something analitical" everyone said in unison.

"But I must agree, she does manipulates her power at a greater escale than mine" Todoroki had to agree to this, he cannot do what she does in such low movement, apart of her experience should be larger than his.

Returning to the fight, Izuku then used her staff as to bring her in a knee strike towards her face, in which she blocked, but later receive a strong double fist slam in her forehead, that made her loose altitude.

She recovered again, but was slamed on the ground by an impulsed high jump kick, that took out most of her air, as she tried to impale with her staff, that was stopped by Midoriya's hand, but this was a distraction that she used to take him off her, by slaming him on the ground at her side, and later impact a large pick in his body, bringing him upwards, he tried to recover, just to receive an energy beam in his chest, that sent him to a building, that at mere contact froze it entirely, and with an ice javleing, she brought down the building. To say the building was a simulator of a 20 floor height, brought into scatters to the floor.

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