Chapter XXIV: Battle's for Safety. Shiosaki's mission at home* Part 1

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(I'm going to divide the encounters in two parts, as there are about five different battles, all with certain characters. Not to mention the interaction of the second thing mentioned at the title.

Futher more.............. Enjoy)

*Umbras base*
Directive's control room

It has been just a couple of minutes since the mentioned ten warriors left to battle the sinisters, the other although discomforted of not helping out, decided to just wait in hopes of them tu succeed, although some demanding to cooperate, something declined by Navigator, as it mentioned for the fift time that it was impossible for it to do so, making them a little displeased, but instead they decided to unpleasantly agree, as they also left the room in order to wait.

But there were exceptions: Hancock, Shiosaki and Urameshi were still at the room, as they decided to wait at the stairs until the missing warriors came back.

Urameshi being the most impatient of them all, as he grunted in an exasperate patience, playing with a rubber ball, as he threw it at the wall in an especific, common pattern.

"Hmm, I'm bored~" the same said, as he speed up the pace of his throws, making noise that disturbed a certain beauty's peace.

"Even of I understand your problem, after all it's mine as well. But keep quiet!, it's getting more frustrating with your noise" Hancock said with a bit of annoyance, as the teen only became more exasperated, ignoring her, as he continued, getting the woman to grew a tick mark, but instead of making it worse, she just decided to stay quiet and endure it, although by clear discontent.

Shiosaki was actually stood, leaning in a wall as he thinks of the situation, analising the patterns of The Shadow, as he had his eyes closed for concentration, ignoring the issue between both warriors near him.

'Let's see, the five of them are strong, no doubt about it, but it could depend mostly on which duo they are fighting.

If He acts in a precisely, disturbed way, he could of have sent the weakest with the strongest, and that would make a bad situation, counting the fact if they could also receive some help from the locals...

All those worlds have warriors on their own, but most of them are clearky not at the level of Freezer neither Cell, not to say Dio and Toguro are also tough enemies and Blackbeard, a little less difficult, as he is mostly power, but that doesn't mean he's weak at all.

Hmmm, this is clearly a bad situation for everyone, especially the locals of the worlds' as he end his thoughts, he became serious, as he knew that no matter the situation, everyone could have a bad time, as he opened his eyes to look at his surroundings, Urameshi still with his ball and Boa a little annoyed, but calm, as she was sit on Salome, as she waited patiently for the battles to come.

He also noticed a figure on the main computer, being the one of his main doubts of trust for the director.

Light was actually checking the screens and the global map of the Real world, as he tried to locate if there was another issue occuring at the planet, as he also had Ryuk checking on the Jump world's maps, seeing if something similar was happening somewhere else above the five already in danger.

[Whispers] "Anything Ryuk?" Asked Light, as he kept his gaze on the screens.

"Nothing yet, just the worlds that are being attacked, nothing else" the shinigami said, as it kept checking the cameras, getting just on site the worlds being attacked.

But as Light was keeping hia gaze at his part, he later saw how a part of Real world's Japan was being signalled a disturbance, as Light dove in further, finding the disturbance at a close part of the Shisuoka's perfecture, almost at Tokyo, being something he found interesting and in the same time bad.

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