Chapter II: The grand confusion, a hint of chaos? part 1

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These chapter and the next are events before the first chapter, what happened before the strike of Freezer.

Goku POV *Jump 84-1210*

'This feeling, what does it mean?'

I was sleeping comfy on the grass, resting from the intense training I did jus moments ago, but, this source of energy appeared again out of nowhere, but this time as visions.

(Note: the visions will be the same as Shiosaki's, but at their own point of view)

Who were those guys?, and who was that?, I could say it can clearly surpass Beerus if it wanted. Its ki didn't felt like Beerus, It was divine, that's for sure, but it felt far more superior, as if it was Beerus god.

'I need answers' I thought to myself, I don't think Beerus knows who it was, after all, he said no one was superior than Zen-chan.............

'Wait!, Zen-chan of course, he maybe knows something' I thought while searching for the dispositive, thank goodness I still have it with me. I pressed the button and I was inmediately teleported to his world, "his" throne.

To say the grand priest was curious of my visit was enough to ask me.

"Goku-san, may I know why are you here under the presence of this realm?" I could say I did something completely unrespectable, but I couldn't make it up.

"I'm sorry for my intruding grand priest, but this time I have some questions I like to ask to Zen *cough* I mean Zeno-sama" This time I was serious, I didn't came here to play, I need answers of this guy.

The grand priest saw my intentions, he felt how serious I was, so with a serious face signed me with his expression 'follow me', after all, I never talk about Zen-chan with "respect".

After some while of going trough the temple, guided by the grand priest, we arrived to the Zen-chan's thrones, even the guards were alert of my presence but, like the grand priest, they saw my intention and stayed still. Zen-chan saw me and didn't wait to greet me.


"Hey there Zen-chan" I answered, I don't want to attack him directly.

"Have you come to play?" He asked me innocently, I know from Beerus to not make him mad, so I just follow his mood.

But I couldn't right now "Sorry Zen-chan, I didn't came here to play, but I came here to ask something that has been bothering me a couple of days before" I saw his expression change, same for the future Zen and the Grand priest, they know I wouldn't ask something if it's really important.

"What is what you want to know Son Goku-san?" The grand priest asked me, curious of my answer.

"I cannot explain it in words, you may see it by your own" I said honestly, if I know correctly, as gods they can see my memories.

Without further questions, The Grand priest touched my head and fuse his and the Zen's heads, I started showing them my visions.

Vegeta's POV

Were those visions?, I don't know, but it felt sinister.

I went out in order to clear some thoughts, and analyse this. War?, Multiverse?, Judgement?, whoever is behind this I'll beat his head until plumps.

But I know that fool of Kakarot felt it that day, maybe he had the same visions, I tried to sense him, but mysteriously, I sense his ki desappear out of no where.

'What the?!' Where did that brainless fool went?.

"Vegeta, do you know where Son went?" "Of course I don't!" I answered to the namekian here, who vame flying towards me after I woke up of those visions.

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