Chapter XVIII.V: A friends realization. An unexpected wonder of heroes part 1

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(This .V chapter additions will be part of explanation of what will be the situation amongst some jumps and the real world friends of Shiosaki, I hope you enjoy)

Real World - Fushioka prospecture

The destruccion caused by the dark emperor Freezer a week ago is now seen to be slowly repaired by the workers of the area, as multiple reporters were around the whole time to describe what was something fictional to be real upon the world, this being seen by every person on Japan and the Oriental side of the world, as now there has been a serious demand on the politics to argue about it being real or not, people on the streets protesting as they were the clear afected of the chaos, some deaths by the way of it, but some saying and even inculpating the Country affected of such 'politic lie', but the people knew what they saw wasn't a lie.

But right now, we are focusing on a respective family and friends, as they are seen clearly destroyed of the news that were given a week ago, when Shiosaki was thought dead by the eyes of his friends and beloved.


"No, please tell me it's not true dear!" Ino Kurokenai was hoping that what she heard from Saito was a lie or a horrible prank, but.

"I'm deeply sorry miss Kurokenai, but we saw perfectly how our friend was murdered upon our eyes" Saito was on the verge of tears, as he didn't want to believe the death of his friend.

"O-onii-san *sniff* why Onii-san!?" Zorahiko was crying a waterfall, as he was destroyed of the fact that he would never see his brother once again.

Ino's husband and Shiosaki's father was saddened of this news, as he also was crying on knowing his son left life before him.

Chitoge was no different, as she was crying none stop on Touya's chest, who also was releasing some tears of sadness, of knowing that his friend would never come back, Ino finally kneeling down, as she cried in pain of the loss of her son, being hugged by her husband who shared her pain. But none of them was more destroyed than the very girl that had proposed to him, his beloved of his life, 'when he was alive'.

Megan, a completely destroyed Megan was on Shiosaki's old room, kneeled down on the floor on the room that was utterly destroyed because of her. She had a completely lifeless gaze, as her eyes and cheeks were signs of crying, helding on her hands her cellphone, in which was shown a photo of her and Shiosaki, both happy as they were in what she remembered, their first date before becoming a couple.

'Baka, Baka *sniff, why did you left me?, why!?' She thought in utter pain and sadness, as she completely remembered how her once close to become husband died infront of her, as she could only saw how her beloved lost his life, crying in utter pain of seeing that nightmare infront of her, yelling his name with a hopeless goal of hope.

Since that day, she tried to pray, hope and even pinch herself as hlshe refused to believe it was true, but her reality and heart just shattered, as she knew that her future was about to be that way, knowing the man she loved was not coming back, as she could only cry in sadness of the fact the whole week, just wishing for her to reunite with him in the afterlife.

Flashback end

After the whole news, the family wasn't the same. Ino and Zora had lost their smiles, Shiosaki's father, Hisoshi Kurokenai was no different, but he had to handled it, as he knew he had to maintain his family stood firmly towards the future, not before promising of taking care of Zorahiko, as he wished for his youngest son to live upon his older brother's figure.

The situation was different on Shiosaki's Department, all his friend and Megan were constanly going there, as they had agreed to keep the place in his name. Chitoge was no longer happy, as she now has a serious saddened gaze upon her face, Touya was no different, but him and Saito decided to keep themselves positive, as they knew that crying upon a dead acknowledge was not the best thing to do, and Megan, well, she was already explained of her situation, having a dead gaze of sadness on her face.

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