Chapter I: The calm before the storm

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Shiosaki's POV (Real World)

Well, I'm going to admit it, that felt embarrassing, especially that question, but, what can I say?, I love my family and that's something I cannot deny.

That was yesterday, after a little bit more of talk with my family and even some pranks towards me or my otouto, I've had to go again to my apartment, not before setting goodbye to my family until I had the oportunity to come.

After reaching some streets away of my parent's home, I've later sense my phone vibrating, I was in the middle of a dusk so I grabbed a sit in a bench located near a fast-food restaurant and answered the call. For my surprise, it was non other that my friend Saito.

Phone call:

Saito: Hey Kenai, good thing you've received me.

Kenai: Well, I couldn't just ignore a friend, well, what brings you to ask me by this source?

Saito: As always, straight to the point, well at least I know you're okay.

Kenai: Ha ha, how funny, and yeah I'm okay and I guess you too.

SaitoWell you've got me, but nevermind that. I have called you because I was planning for a meet up, you know, like the good old days, so I asume you had ended your exams?

Kenai: Yeah, I've finished just yesterday, and I don't mind getting to see each other again, now my question is, where?

Saito: Ho ho, I'm flattered you asked, well, I was planning to meet up at the Kiyashi Mall center, I want to buy some things for my entertainment.

Kenai: How am I not surprised?, ahhhh... Well you got my attention, but will you ask the others?

Saito: Of course, I wasn't planning to leave them alone, especially because of how Touyi is doing on Chitoge. Not to say about your "beloved".

Kenai: It seems so, and please don't tease me, I already have enough with my parents.

Saito: Ha ha ha ha, no wonder you're kinda tired, well, I hope to meet you there Kenai.

Kenai: Me as well Sai-san.

Saito: Well I see you later.

Kenai: Me too.

Call ended

As I ended my little talk with Saito, I've returned to my small path to my home, ending in some situation that I remembered to stock up my fridge, so I went to the nearest shop, and bought some crops for the week.


After 20 minutes, I see myself in front of my door, getting out my keys to enter, as I came in, I couldn't help but think of how lonely I seem to live, after all my apartment was enough to have at least three people in.

My apartment was a comfy place, on the living zone I have a comfy couch, one simple TV on top of a furniture in which I have stored some movies, video games and my consoles, which were a Nintendo Gamecube, A remastered NESS Entertainer, and the rescent Play Station 4, but I almost don't use them because of school work.

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