"Link... You're journey through the Hoenn region is finished. You can do your free time or see around the world." Frisk said.
"What does it mean?" Link replied.
"Link! I'll tell you what Frisk is talking about." Sonic said.
Sonic, Zelda, Impa, and Osfala came to the Champion's room as well.
"Link, that means you can spend the world with the rest of your life." Sonic said to Link.
"Really!" Link replied to Sonic.
"Link! I'm so proud that you won the poke'mon league with all your spirit." Zelda said to Link.
"I see... You have so many friends you made. Especially your principal." Frisk moves forward.
"Yeah! You got that right director." Sonic said to Frisk.
"Link let's move forward. I'll show you something." Frisk said to Link.
Frisk moves to the room where the Hall of Fame is waiting. Link turns back because Link doesn't understand.
"Go on Link, you're director is waiting." Sonic said to Link that Frisk is waiting.
"Link, remember, we cannot stand here all day." Impa said to Link that they cannot wait if he cannot move on.
Link nods a yes and moves forward to the Hall of Fame room.
"What took you so long, I'm waiting here for a long time." Frisk said.
"Uh, sorry... I'm a bit shy..." Link replied in a shy and scared.
"You shouldn't be... because this is for your joyful reward."
Link understand why he is scared because he doesn't know that the hall of fame is all about. Link moves forward to Frisk and sees what is it all about.
"The machine is the recording station. You have to put your poke'balls in the machine in order to be part of the hall of fame." Frisk said.
Link stares at it what is the machine looks like.
"C'mon! Link you have to put your poke'balls at the machine to record your victory."
"But I don't know..."
"You have a courage to put your poke'mon at victory."
Link understands that and puts the poke'balls at the machine to record them at the hall of fame.
At the monitor the poke'mon names have appeared. The following poke'mon names especially the trainers name as well appeared.
Blaziken lv.85
Pidgeot lv.86
Mudsdale lv.87
Clawtizer lv.86
Haxorus lv.76
Luxray lv.77The message from the monitor has appeared "Congratulations Link! You have entered to the hall of fame!"
Link is celebrating and leaves at the hall of fame room.
Link sees his friends again.
"Link! This honor belongs to you." Sonic said to Link giving him the certificate.
"Thanks!" Link replied to Sonic.
"This is for your honor after you defeat the challengers from the Hoenn region."
Link nods a Sonic happily.
"Link... Let's go home!" Zelda and Impa said to Link that they'll head home to Littleroot town.
Poke'mon Aquatic Silver
AdventureIn this story... Link is having a big journey at the Hoenn region collecting his badges and also he is defending the Hoenn region against team snake who is harassing the scientist and teachers from Rustboro city around the Hoenn region while the oth...