No Rest For The Souless

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"Alright Team, we've located the base where Aradia and Lucifer have been captured" Steve said with his brows furrowed sternly.

I was really trying to listen to his little pep talk but just couldn't sister, the only blood family I had left could die.

"Yes this is a Hydra base, but they've managed to detain two of our most powerful team members. We don't know what's there or who's responsible, we need to stick together and get our family back" Steve directed his eye line at me.

"Together" I nodded.

"Together" Barnes stepped forward from beside me and we shared an understanding look.

Bucky may have killed my parents but he cared for my sister. He'd die for her any day and he was willing to prove that at any second; I respected him for that and was grateful Aradia had Bucky to care for her.

"Michael" Steve addressed the oldest Morningstar.

"you will lead team Revenge first: your job will be to distract and attack. Kill anything that gets in your way and cover our asses so team Avenge can infiltrate the base." Steve laid out the plan carefully.

"Ooo, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Nat smirked at the frowning Captain.

"Stole my line Romanoff" I interjected.

"Once team Revenge clears the base and the outside, you'll then make your way inside with Michael and Raphael guarding the outside in case of an oncoming attack. Hera, once we leave the base with Lucifer and Aradia I want you to burn the place to the ground...and anyone left in it." Steve told the young woman.

"All clear?"

Team Revenge was a project we'd been trailing. It consisted of the Morningstars only and they were supposed to be reserved for the toughest missions and missions that concerned more than just Earth. They were still training and coming up with Aliases, I was busy designing suits and Steve was trying to decide who would lead the team. Be their Captain America or something.

A round of 'Yes Caps' sounded.

Everyone was suited up and ready to go, we marched from the briefing room into the jet hanger, as we walked the Morningstars suddenly halted looking upwards with a mixture of displeasure and hope.

"Never thought I'd actually be happy to see the big asgardian hunk" Morta's lips twisted in a smile.

I frowned, Point Break had gone back to Asgard after the big party.

A crack of thunder and lightning announced his arrival as usual and as if it was scripted, Thor trudged in looking very different than when I'd seen him a year ago...he had short cropped hair and no Hammer...instead a huge axe.

"Thor?" Wanda spoke up first.

"Much has happened since we last convened" Thor said gravely, his eyes were darker than usual and one was...brown?

"I will inform you of recent events...after we rescue Lady Stark" Thor said.

How the hell did-oh never mind these guys are so confusing.

"Lady?" Raphael scoffed.

"since when do you regard any of us with respect Odinson?" He rolled his eyes gripping a knife angrily.

"We may not see eye to eye Luciferson, but we are still family" Thor replied.

Raphael nodded to himself and we set off, again.

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