Thor Odinson

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I awoke to feel the other side of the bed was cold.

Aradia wasn't there but the thoughts of last night were enough to make my heart beat faster-feeling her soft skin against mine was something I felt I didn't deserve. She'd fended off my nightmares and I'd slept sounder than I ever had.

A note caught my eye on the side table, it was pegged under a mug of hot coffee. I smiled reaching for the note.

Morning Soldier,

I was going to wake you to train but you looked so cute asleep.
I'm in the lab with Tony if you need me.

Love, Your rose

I couldn't stop the smile that broke on my face.

I sipped the coffee which was made the way I loved it; Aradia knew me so well that I felt like I'd known her for as long as I'd known Steve.

I quickly got dressed and ventured out into the kitchen where Steve, Sam, Nat and Wanda were.

"Morning Buck" Steve greeted.

"Sleeping beauty has a bed head" Wanda joked nodding at my mess of hair.

"Messy hair is in style" I poked my tongue at her.

I saw everyone smiling at me and I knew why. I was never this bubbly and talkative before, but I'd changed...Aradia had changed me.

"Now now, leave the defenceless super soldier alone" Nat rubbed my shoulder and smirked sipping her water bottle idly.

Everyone else said their good mornings as I sat myself down next to Wanda who was talking to Sam about a new trick she'd been learning.

A loud crack of thunder resonated throughout the tower causing everyone to jump, a flash of lightning appeared in the sky which was gloomy and overcast. Usually this sound meant Thor was here which wasn't an issue until I remembered Aradia's fervent dislike for the god.

Everyone upped and hurried outside to where the god stood broodingly, his cape rested behind him with his hammer securely by his side.

"Point break" Tony's voice sounded behind the group.

Aradia wasn't with him...I frowned searching the group for her, I searched the skies then yet still couldn't find her.

"What brings you here? My lawn too tidy?" Stark commented glancing down at the burnt patch of grass below Thor.

"Is it true?" His voice boomed angrily.

"Is what true?" Steve said squinting curiously.

"Lucifer's daughter has escaped her place in hell. My father and hers are at each other's throats because of her disloyalty!" Thor yelled, his jaw was wound tight in anger.

Steve shared a look with Tony and I.

None of us knew whether to answer him truthfully, we were so used to Thor being an ally that we'd never had to regard him with this kind of defensive nature.

A whoosh of wind caught our attention as Aradia swooped down behind Thor with a murderous glare. Thor turned to face her, even he seemed wary of her.

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