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Chapter 17

"So baby pull me closer in the back seat of your rover....". Music was coming from the car's stereo. I tilted my head a bit and rested it on the back of the seat. The city outside of the window was looking so bright and lively that night. The glass of the window was washed over by the rain, but some rain drops were still left on it. Like some feeling that never leave.

I looked at the person next to me, after getting bored to see the view outside. His eyes were on the road. The seatbelt was hugging him tightly over the black leather jacket. His caramel brown hair was a little bit messy but still was styled in a perfect manner. I kept looking at him for some more time. He looks cute while concentrating on something.

There was a pin-drop silent in the car but somehow it was enjoyable to me. Though I didn't know about Jimin. After a long time, I asked, " When did you start listening this type of songs?" He replied without moving his gaze from the road, "What did you mean?" I said, "I mean, these romantic songs which have been playing for 1 hour."

He laughed sweetly. "They aren't that bad." I kept looking at his smile for some time. I said, "It's raining today." Jimin said, "And you're annoyed because of that?"

I looked outside again and said, "No. For some reasons, it's enjoyable to me today. I don't know why."

He looked at me in surprise and said, "But you hate rain. You aren't Y/n! Who are you?!"

"No, I'm not Y/n. I'm her ghost!" I rolled my eyes after finishing my sentence. He started giggling.

We were coming back home after finishing our dinner in one of our favourite restaurants. After one hour's smooth driving, the car stopped because of the traffic on the road.

There were a lot of people on the road even though it was almost twelve at night. I saw a woman standing in front of a store, wearing pair of sunglasses. I was wondering why she was wearing sunglasses at night. And then I thought maybe she has her own reasons for that. There was a man standing beside her. Both of them were middle-aged. Maybe they're couple? They were standing quite far but not too much from our car.

After few moments, I saw the woman removing her glasses from her eyes and looking straight towards me. I moved my gaze quickly as it's not good to stare at someone like that. But I couldn't help but look again. I became surprised to see that the woman was pointing at me with her hand so that the person next to her can see me too. I was confused and curious as well to see her acting like that.

I moved my gaze again and tried not to look at her. I was thinking why in the earth she was pointing at me. Does she know me? But how's this possible? Cause I didn't know her. However, her face looked familiar somehow. Though I wasn't that sure cause she was standing far from me.

I was thinking about telling it to Jimin but the lights turned green and I never got the chance to tell him. Our car was going far away from them. Before disappearing completely from their sight, I looked at the mirror. And she was still looking at our car. Not only she but also the man next to her.

<< later >>

I yawned as I got down from the car. "I'm so tired." I said.

Jimin shut the car's door and stood next to me. "So, you enjoyed the dinner? Have I made you happy?" Jimin asked raising his eyebrows. I leaned back against the car and smiled. "You know what, your presence is enough to make me happy." I retorted.

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