Draco Malfoy and Flying

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Everybody got quiet instantaneously. The first-years glanced around nervously, not daring to make a peep. The older students that knew what to expect slowly retreated to the walls.

Draco Malfoy's pale face started to turn pink.
"Sir", he started to explain. "She-"

"Five points from Slytherin", Professor Snape snapped.
"Miss Lince, come with me."

Out of the corner of her eye, Jessamine saw Draco boiling with rage, yet at the same time he smirked because he expected her to be in trouble.

Great. I didn't even last a week, Jessamine thought bitterly.
She followed Professor Snape out of the common room, down the dimly lit hallway and into his office.

Taking a seat behind his desk, Professor Snape gestured to a chair in front of it.

Jessamine silently sat down, her fingers intertwined in her lap.

Professor Snape started to read a piece of parchment that lay on his desk.
The seconds ticked by and Jessamine was not sure what to say, or if she even was supposed to say something.

"You are a muggleborn witch, Ms. Lince?", Professor Snape suddenly broke the silence.

Jessamine nodded. "Yes, sir."

His voice, although still emotionless like a piece of rock, was not filled with raging hatred as it had been when he had spoken to Harry earlier that day.

"Draco Malfoy has been brought up in the old, traditional pureblood ways", Professor Snape drawled, staring at her with blank, black eyes.

No, Jessamine thought. They're not blank, just very carefully guarded. Then something came to her mind.
The way Draco had imitated Professor Snape's sneer.

"So you know him?", Jessamine asked.

The corner of his mouth lifted slightly, but only barely so Jessamine thought she must have imagined it.

"Partly", he replied shortly. "It will do you no good do try to change his mind."

"Why not?", Jessamine wondered and added a "Sir", in case that had been disrespectful.

"You are part of a house that still has the old ways deeply trenched in it", he looked at her warningly. "To be a muggleborn in a house filled with people believing that purebloods are superior is already dangerous. Especially in these times."

Why in these times?, Jessamine wondered. Was he trying to tell her something?

Why would muggleborns be in danger?

Well, the only threat to muggleborns was, as far as she knew-

Jessamine stiffened.


She looked up into Professor Snape's face, who nodded approvingly, as if he had heard her thoughts.

"Return to your dorm, Ms. Lince",
Professor Snape said languidly and refocused on the parchment laying before him.

Jessamine waited for another second, before she got up and exited his office. 
She turned around a last time before shutting the door.
Something must have happened in his past to make him hate Harry, she thought to herself.
But actually, he's not that bad.

When Jessamine reentered the Slytherin common room, it got quiet once more.
Draco and his goons weren't there, but the remaining students stared at her curiously.
She walked to the couch where she had left her stuff, gathered all her books and walked to her room.

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