Christmas morning

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You guys probably noticed that my chapters are getting very long... 🙄 that's because I realized there's a limit of the amount of chapters I can publish in one book (which is 200), so I'm going to try to cram as much as possible so that I won't have to start a sequel.

Enjoy 💜.

The most delicious smell of chocolate tickled Mioha's nose

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The most delicious smell of chocolate tickled Mioha's nose. Her brain was fuzzy, filled with fragments of a dream she could barely remember. She knew that a handsome blond Slytherin had been in it, but that was all she knew.

Oh, that chocolate smelled really good...

Mioha sniffed, her nose wrinkling slightly.

"You look like a cute rabbit when you do that!", someone giggled.

Mioha's eyes snapped open.

Ginny was sitting at her bed, holding a Christmas mug under Mioha's nose. The steam of the hot chocolate wafted into the Slytherin's nose and her mouth started watering.

"Hey", she said, still half-asleep, trying to glare at her friend. "That's not fair, waking me with my weakness."

Ginny smirked and handed her the mug.
"Merry Christmas! It's already ten, girl, you're the only who's still in bed. You were snoring like a chainsaw, so I had to take drastic measures to wake you up."

Mioha took a sip of the drink and sighed with relish.
"This is good."

"Thanks! I made it myself."
Ginny hopped off the bed.
"You coming? We waited for you to open presents."

Mioha sat up and set the mug aside.
"Merry Christmas, Ginny", she said sleepily.

The redhead smiled at her before she slipped out the door.

Mioha needed one minute to put on a pair of jeans, a blue sweater and to braid her hair back into a Dutch braid.
It was getting quite long, she should probably be thinking about cutting it soon.

Then she hurried excitedly down the stairs, hearing chatter and Christmas music coming from the kitchen. Its warmth enveloped her as she entered it, and Mioha immediately found herself wrapped in a hug by someone who had obviously taken a shower in Chanel No. 5.

"Merry Christmaz, Mio'a!", said Fleur happily. "Thiz is my first Christmaz wiz Bill's family. I zink it is absolutely vonderful!"

"Merry Christmas, Fleur", Mioha choked out, sneezing from the cloud of perfume that tickled her nose.

Once the French witch let go of her, Mioha stepped up to Ron and Harry and gave them a big hug, wrapping her wings around them.

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now