Hagrid's back

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Harry, George and Fred had been banned from playing Quidditch.

For ever.

According to a certain decree (Mioha had no idea which), Professor Umbridge now had the authority of stripping students of privileges.
And there was nothing the teachers could do about it.

Professor McGonagall was fuming when Mioha trained with her the next evening. The older witch attacked Mioha with a fury that had never been there before. Left, right, left, right; the curses just hailed down on Mioha.
The Slytherin's reflexes had improved greatly, and added with her powerful magic she had no trouble of shielding herself from the attacks. She refrained from attacking back and remained on the defense, since she had the feeling the Head of Gryffindor needed to release a little steam.
Mioha had started practicing using her fake wand during training to perfect the illusion that she was using an actual wand and not a harmless stick.
Luckily, she had paid attention in class, which meant she knew what wand movements were usually used for which spell.

When their time was up, Professor McGonagall straightened her back and slid her wand back into her sleeve, her eyes still blazing furiously. Interestingly, her bun was as tight as ever, not a hair was out of place.

"I apologize, Miss Mioha", she said stiffly. "That was inappropriate o' me."

Mioha lowered her fake wand as well.
"It's alright", she said, "the others are pretty angry too."

Professor McGonagall sniffed.
"Lifelong banishment", she muttered under her breath. "I have never...that woman...undermining mah authority..."

Mioha was not sure what to say. She had no idea how they could get rid of Professor Umbridge, since Minister Fudge seemed too keen on keeping her here. She was, after all, not only here to ensure that no one would believe Voldemort had returned, but to see whether Professor Dumbledore was keeping the Silverwing hidden.

"Return tae yer dorm, Miss Mioha", said Professor McGonagall curtly as if she had just remembered that Mioha was still there. "You wouldn't want to be caught out after curfew."
The sentence by Professor Umbridge hung unspoken in the air.

Mioha nodded and slipped out of the hall.

The next day after classes, Mioha went outside with Harry, Ron and Hermione to meet Hagrid. That was the one thought that kept them awake during another one of Professor Umbridge's boring lessons; finally seeing Hagrid again. And it made Ron and Harry smile a little.
Professor Umbridge had managed to put a permanent scowl on their faces.

With a great leap of her heart, Mioha saw little golden squares of light ahead and smoke coiling up from Hagrid's chimney. They set off at a quick march, crunching excitedly through the thickening snow until at last they reached the wooden front door. When Harry raised his fist and knocked three times, a dog started barking frantically inside.
"Visitors!", Fang barked excitedly. "Visitors!"

"Hagrid, it's us!", Ron called through the keyhole.

"Shoulda known!", said a gruff voice.
They beamed at each other; they could tell by Hagrid's voice that he was pleased.

"Bin home not even a day . . . out the way, Fang . . . out the way, yeh dozy dog . . ."

The bolt was drawn back, the door creaked open and Hagrid's head appeared in the gap.

Hermione screamed.
Mioha's eyes widened.

"Merlin's beard, keep it down!"  said Hagrid hastily, staring wildly over their heads. "Well, get in, get in!"

"I'm sorry!", Hermione gasped, as the four of them squeezed past Hagrid into the house. "I just - oh, Hagrid!"

"It's nuthin', it's nuthin'!", said Hagrid hastily, shutting the door behind them and hurrying to close all the curtains, but Hermione continued to gaze up at him in horror.

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