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The parchment Mioha had gotten from Professor McGonagall was a sort of time table, which scheduled how and when she would train

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The parchment Mioha had gotten from Professor McGonagall was a sort of time table, which scheduled how and when she would train.

She thought this was extremely nice.

After all, her teachers were specially taking the time to teach her how to defend herself.

With Professor Flitwick, Mioha would train how to cast spells while shielding at the same time. The small wizard was not to be underestimated, Mioha quickly learned, for he seemed to disappear faster than she could blink, only to jinx her from behind.

Professor McGonagall taught her how to manipulate her surroundings to her advantage, transfiguring stones into herds of angry birds that attacked Mioha from all sides and teaching her elemental magic.

And Professor Snape, well, he was responsible for her reflexes and fitness. In the Magnus Antrum, a very, very large cave, she had to fly to dodge his curses, all the while other objects would suddenly shoot out of walls or drop from the ceiling.

„Come, you'll be late!", Esma scolded her and pulled on her hair, trying to yank the teenager out of the bathroom.

„Ow, ow! Esma! I'm coming!", Mioja yelled and grabbed her trainers.

Putting them on while trying to hop out of the Slytherin den, which was a difficult and dangerous task, Mioha was finally ready to go.

Spreading her wings, she soared down a corridor, headed for the nearest hidden entrance, which was the one by Professor Snape's office.

Since nobody except the headmaster, the three Professors and Hagrid were in the castle, Mioha didn't bother to hide her wings.

Which came in handy when she had to be somewhere quickly, and she got to practice her tight turns in the corridors.

Mioha flew through the dimly lit dungeon, Esma behind her, not slowing down when Professor Snape's office came into view.

The portrait, which would lead her into the Labyrinth, was to her left on the wall.
Calculating the distance in her head, Mioha pressed her wings into her side and flew a tight curve to the left, twisting around her axis as she flew straight through the portrait.

Once through the portrait, Mioha pumped a fist into the air.

„Yes!", she congratulated herself and continued zooming along the hallway, taking a right and descending lower into the Labyrinth.

It had taken her a while to get that tight curve right, the first many tries she had missed the portrait and crashed into the walls instead.

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now