A little chat

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Professor Snape was in his office, correcting Potions essays from his third-years

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Professor Snape was in his office, correcting Potions essays from his third-years.
Anybody watching wouldn't have had to ask how the essays were, seeing Professor Snape attack the parchment with his slim, black quill would be answer enough.

He dipped the tip of his quill into scarlet red ink, before writing in his slanted handwriting a big, fat D at the bottom of the essay.

Those spoiled brats.

He was the only Professor who didn't wrap the students in cotton wool, who was trying to prepare them for the real world.

And how did they repay him?

With sloppy work.

Professor Snape scowled, deep wrinkles appearing on his forehead, and grabbed the next essay.

The next student was about to receive a P for his horrid description on the healing properties of limestone, when Professor Snape looked up.

His instincts were never wrong.

And a second later, the doorknob twisted slowly and the door opened silently.

He hated creaking doors, so he always made sure his office door opened smoothly.

Draco Malfoy stood in his doorway, his grey eyes carefully sweeping across the office of the Potions Master, before he said: "Hello, uncle."

Professor Snape motioned him to a chair before his desk, silently continuing with correcting the student's essay.

His black hair fell over his eyes as he bent forward, watching with one eye his Godson sit down in the chair while focusing on the parchment at the same time.

It was interesting what people gave away when they felt like no one was watching.

Draco, however, sat very still in his chair, watching Professor Snape write without any emotions written on his face.

Professor Snape nodded slightly behind his black curtain of hair.

Draco was learning.

Straightening his back, the Potions Master laid his quill and the parchment aside and folded his hands on top of his desk.
Then he fixed Draco with his eyes, inky pools that looked like glass.

The teenager stared back, seeming unfazed, with his grey eyes completely emotionless.

Professor Snape acknowledged their little stare contest and smirked inwardly.
Blinking too much revealed one's uncertainty, while not blinking at all meant your opponent had something to hide.
One could find out a lot about his opponent by looking into his eyes.

He had taught Draco the past two years how to read others properly while not revealing anything without intention.
His Godson was good, but he was better.

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