The Kraken 2

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Mioha had thought that Furis, the Hungarian Horntail had been huge

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Mioha had thought that Furis, the Hungarian Horntail had been huge.
Compared to the size of this eye, the dragoness seemed small.
The size of the horizontal pupil was already larger than Mioha herself, contracting to a black slit when the bright light fell on it. The iris was a yellow color, which turned a dark red at the edges.

She took a shaky breath. Her light was not bright enough to illuminate more of the kraken's head, but she didn't want to imagine how large its mouth was.
Or its teeth.

She involuntarily gripped the tentacle wrapped around her tighter as if that would give her a feeling of security.

The large eye flickered downward a tiny fraction as she tightened her hold on its tentacle, and Mioha quickly let go, not wanting to anger it.

A few minutes passed, during which the kraken eyed her carefully. Since she couldn't see its entire head, Mioha wasn't sure what its facial expression was.

She cleared her throat.
"Hello?", peeped, her voice shooting an octave higher.

The tentacle slowly uncoiled from Mioha, before dropping down onto the dark ground to join the other tentacles.

Now she was floating in the darkness, the only light coming from her hand.
That was not a situation Mioha felt comfortable with.
Her world seemed to only consist of the inky water and the large yellow eye before her, that stared at her unblinkingly.

Miohe looked down when she felt vibrations coming at her through the water, causing her to slowly float backwards.
The vibrations were followed by a rumble, extremely deep and raspy. Mioha needed a moment to discern the words the kraken was saying.

"Wwwhaaaaat doooooo youuuuuuu waaaaaant?"
He spoke very slowly, as if he hadn't used his voice in years.

"I wanted to thank you", Mioha croaked, her fingers clammy, and feeling like she was suffocating from the fishy air she was breathing.
"For pulling me out of the water."

The eye examined her carefully.
Where are the eyelids?, Mioha wondered.

"Huuuuuuumans shouuuuld noooot swiiiim iiffffffff theyyyyyyyy drownnnnnnn", he droned.
His eye looked at her reproachfully.

Mioha had to snort despite her nervousness.
He did have a point.

"You are right", she said, feeling a little calmer since the kraken hadn't made any movement to harm her.
"What is your name, if I may ask?"

She held her breath as the kraken breathed in deeply, a soft draft pulling her into his direction.
"Octoooooooo", he rumbled.

"Nice to meet you Octo", Mioha greeted him shyly, kicking her legs to swim backwards a little.
"I am Mioha."

Octo leaned closer until his eye loomed right in front of Mioha. She could see her own reflection in the black pupil.

"Youuuuu arrrrrre noooooooot humaaaaaan."

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