Announcement and Preparations

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Mioha was on her way from the kitchens back to her dorm, when she stumbled into somebody upon descending a staircase leading to the dungeons.
Swaying dangerously, Mioha gripped the shoulders of whoever was standing beneath her, trying not to topple down the steps and pulling the other with her.
After a few seconds of staggering into the other person, she raised her gaze to apologize.

Her words got stuck in her throat.

Mioha quickly let go of Draco's shoulders who looked like he was about ready to murder her.

"Next time, I'll shove you down the stairs", he snarled and pushed past her up the staircase.

Mioha stared at him, puzzled.

He seemed to act completely 'normal', as always. Yet, hadn't she seen recognition in his eyes after healing him?

Turning around to continue down the steps, she kept thinking.

Professor Dumbledore must have either obliviated him, or he didn't remember.

She didn't know that neither was accurate.

On Wednesday evening, while Mioha and Erica were doing their homework side by side in the Slytherin common room, Professor Snape suddenly appeared to make an announcement.

"Malfoy", he barked at the blonde Slytherin, who was busy practicing how to turn a soft pillow into something that resembled a spiky pillow, "gather the other Slytherins."

Draco jumped up with a "Yes, sir" and disappeared down the hall leading to the dorms.

Mioha and Erica started packing their things away; they had learned from experience that the Potions Professor demanded one's absolute attention while speaking.

More Slytherins shuffled into the room, until everyone was present, waiting silently for their Head of House to speak.

Professor Snape, still standing at the entrance, which was higher than the common room, looked down at his students and said in a clear voice: "This year, there will be a Yule Ball held on the 25th of December in the Great Hall."

It was stock-still and Mioha held her breath in excitement.

A ball!, she thought jittery.

She wasn't one to spend hours upon hours to cover herself in makeup, but she still was a excited at the prospect of dressing up for an occasion.

Mioha heard Erica shift restlessly as Professor Snape let his gaze travel across the faces before continuing: "All students in fourth year or above may attend, younger students only through an invitation."

Some third-year girls murmured disappointed.

"This is supposed to be an opportunity to- socialize", Professor Snape sneered, "with our foreign guests."

Some Slytherins scowled at the mention of spending time with students other than Slytherins.

"I expect you all to not embarrass your house", Professor Snape shot everyone a warning look.

"I have gotten the unfortunate task of teaching you all how to dance. Anyone not suitable to represent the house of Slytherin will not be attending the Ball."

Nobody wondered whether their Head of House was even allowed to do that, his posture was radiating authority. Nobody wanting to go to the ball would put it to the test.

"We will show the fellow students of Hogwarts", his cold voice continued, "that Slytherin is a house of manners and dignity. I will not tolerate any form of behavior slacking off the rules."

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