Forbidden Forest

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Jessamine bolted down the corridor, hastily jumped down steps, ran past her friends who shouted after her, and sprinted out of the castle

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Jessamine bolted down the corridor, hastily jumped down steps, ran past her friends who shouted after her, and sprinted out of the castle. Her heart was beating heavily, blood rushing in her ears. She ran as fast as she could, not stopping when she entered the forest.

Jessamine felt so scared, her transformation happened instinctually without her control.

She leapt forward and changed in mid-air, landing on four hooves and continuing with running.

The trees blurred past her and Jessamine noticed in the corner of her mind, that her wings had disappeared and her fur color had changed. She'd look like a normal unicorn now.

In her panic, she didn't choose a specific direction, she just ran. And ran. And ran.
She ran as fast as she could, determined not to stop even if she collapsed from exhaustion.

Jessamine couldn't tell how long she raced through the forest, but after what seemed like hours, the trees were slowly replaced by scrubs.
She had reached the mountains.


Professor Lupin had darted after her, only to see Jessamine disappear into the Forbidden Forest.

He was panting heavily; he wasn't the youngest anymore.

If she was what he thought she was, there was no way he could catch up with her.

Professor Lupin turned around and sprinted back into the castle, ignoring the surprised students he passed.
When he saw the gargoyle, he gasped: "Lemon drops", and leapt up the stairs before the gargoyle had even completely gone to the side.

Professor Lupin burst into the headmaster's office and interrupted a discussion between Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape.

Both looked up.

"Headmaster", Professor Lupin gasped, "I need to speak with you in private. Now."
The headmaster had to know. Professor Lupin trusted him, he would know how to find Miss Lince. It was too dangerous for her to leave Hogwarts, especially now.

"Is something wrong, Remus?", Professor Dumbledore asked surprised.

"It's about Ms. Lince", Professor Lupin replied with an urgent tone in his voice.
"Please, Sir, it is important."

Professor Dumbledore realized that Professor Lupin was serious and said: "Severus will stay, as he is the Head of Slytherin."

"But-", Professor Lupin started to protest, which caused Professor Snape to shoot him a hateful glare.

"Severus has my trust", Professor Dumbledore said firmly and folded his hands.

Breathing in deeply, Professor Lupin explained: "Miss Lince is- well- she's a Silverwing, sir."

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