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"Hey Neville", Mioha greeted the Gryffindor the next day at breakfast

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"Hey Neville", Mioha greeted the Gryffindor the next day at breakfast.
The teenager had dark rings under his eyes and looked like he hadn't slept a wink.
„Professor Moody told me to give that to you", Mioha said and held out the plant book. „He said that Professor Sprout had told him, you were really good at Herbology, so you might like it."

Neville's face portrayed his astonishment as he carefully took the book from her hands. Then his face lit up.
„I've always wanted to read this!", he whispered excitedly and opened the book. His eyes scurrying across the first page, his lips moved silently as he absorbed the information of the text, completely forgetting the Slytherin in front of him.

Mioha smiled, glad that the book was cheering up her friend.

Maybe Professor Moody wasn't as harsh as she had always thought.

She was about to head to her table when she heard Hermione call: „Jess! Can you come here for a moment?"

Mioha turned and saw Hermione waving at her a few meters down the Gryffindor table. 
And behind her were Ron and Harry, mouthing 'Run!' at her, while gesturing to the doors of the Great Hall.

Walking over a bit confused, Mioha saw Ron smack himself in the forehead with the palm of his hand.

"So", Hermione started and got a small tin box from her bag, "I have decided to found a group fighting for the rights of House-elves."

She opened the box which was filled with metal badges, the word 'SPEW' carved in on each top.
Hermione got one out and pinned it to Mioha's cloak.

"S.P.E.W. means the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare", Hermione said brightly, getting out a large parchment roll from her bag.
"It was supposed to be Stop the Outrageous Abuse of Our Fellow Magical Creatures and Campaign for a Change in Their Legal Status, but S.O.A.O.F.M.C.C.C.T.L.S. wouldn't fit on the badges. But it's still the title of our manifesto!"

Unrolling the scroll, Hermione flattened it on the table and shoved a quill into Mioha's hand.
"You have to sign here", the Gryffindor ordered and pointed at near the top.
The heading was Stop the Outrageous Abuse of Our Fellow Magical Creatures and Campaign for a Change in Their Legal Status, and beneath it Mioha saw three signatures. A Hermione Granger in nice curves, while the names Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley were very scrawly and hard to decipher, as if the two Gryffindors wouldn't want anyone to recognize their signature.

"Hermione", Mioha sighed, setting down the quill. She didn't really feel like participating in an organization with the name Spew.

That was basically a synonym for 'vomit'.

But when she saw Hermione's face fall, Mioha felt guilty.

Just support your friend, she reprimanded herself sternly and quickly wrote down Jessamine Lince before she could change her mind.

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