Passing holidays...

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The next morning, on the twenty-fifth of December, Mioha got up at six o'clock

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The next morning, on the twenty-fifth of December, Mioha got up at six o'clock. She silently got dressed and put on her green cloak and the black headband from Luna, before casting a spell that created a doppelgänger sleeping in her bed.

She would hopefully not be gone too long.

Flying down the dark stairs to avoid the creaking steps, Mioha made her way to the heavily bolted door and unlocked it carefully. She flinched every time the metal chains jangled.

Then she threw a look over her shoulder.

The house was dark, but cozy. Christmas decorations hung everywhere, glinting in the dim light.
And down the corridor she could see through the open door into the empty kitchen. The windows showed that it was snowing strongly outside, just like it should on the day after Christmas.

Mioha opened the door and stepped outside, then closed it silently behind her.
She became invisible instantly and flew into the air to avoid making footprints in the thick snow. The sky was white and grey, and large snowflakes were falling down from the sky, covering the world in a silent blanket.

She smiled and left Grimmauld Place behind her.

Mioha had never flown the way to St. Mungo's before, but it couldn't be that hard, right?
She just followed the train stations until she recognized the large, old building from above.
The ugly dummies weren't hard to miss.

Mioha hovered silently in the cold sky, thankful for her warm cloak, and waited for the right moment. The glass portal would only open if the dummy allowed it, but she didn't want anyone to know she was here.
So she had to wait for someone to enter and then fly in after that person.

And she would wait all day if she had to. This was too important.

Alice Longbottom stared at the ceiling.
She had so for the past fourteen years.
The outside world was a blur, a mixture of things she didn't understand. When people spoke, she heard words but didn't know what they meant.

And who was that old lady?
And that young man with the round face? They both visited very often, but she didn't know them. Although she had a feeling she should, they seemed familiar.

She couldn't form words, so all she could do to give her thanks to the people visiting her was by giving them sweet wrappers.
She loved those.
They were so nice and shiny on the inside. And they smelled good.

The young man with the round face always seemed to like it when she gave him those.
If he would come today, she'd give him another one.

Alice turned her head.
There was the man next to her in his bed, the same man who had always been there for as long as she could remember.

Who was that?

His eyes were blank and he barely ever moved.

Did she know him? Did he know her?

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now