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When Professor Snape arrived in his black robes and a scowl on his face at the orphanage early in the morning, he scared the hell out of Mrs

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When Professor Snape arrived in his black robes and a scowl on his face at the orphanage early in the morning, he scared the hell out of Mrs. Bludge.

„Th-there's a weird man outside!", the stout woman stuttered to the cook.

Jessamine, who happened to walk down the steps with her trunk in that moment, called: „It's just a Professor from my school, he's here to pick me up."

Mrs. Bludge shot her a glare, put a hand onto her chest and muttered: „My poor heart", before collapsing onto a couch in the little living room.

Jessamine heaved her trunk out of the building, Esma trying to help by grabbing the trunk with her talons and beating her wings vigorously.

„Professor Snape", she greeted the surly looking Professor, breathing heavily.

Her trunk was not that light.

Professor Snape nodded at her, and cast a Confundus Charm, in case someone was looking out of their window.
After that, he flicked his wand at the trunk, making it lighter, before silently holding out his arm.

Jessamine grabbed it hesitantly, holding onto her trunk with her other hand, and soon felt the sickening sensation of being squeezed into a tube that was too small for her.
Neither she nor Esma fell when they landed, and Jessamine felt proud not to have embarrassed herself in front of her Head of House.

„You know the way", Professor Snape jerked his chin into the direction of the train station.
„I shall see you at Hogwarts, Ms. Lince."

Jessamine smiled unsurely.
„Bye, Sir. And thank you."

Professor Snape disappeared with a soft plop.

„He's very rude", Esma commented and ruffled her feathers.

„Then why did you follow him constantly last year?", Jessamine asked absentmindedly, while focusing on carrying her (now lighter) trunk.

„Because he is a good person", Esma chirped confidently, „but he is still rude."

Jessamine got quite a few stares from the muggles.
A thirteen year-old girl was easily carrying a trunk that seemed way to heavy for her, while a blackbird was sitting on her shoulder, looking as if it were having a conversation with her.

Trying not to attract too much attention to herself, Jessamine hurried to the platform 9 3/4 and passed through the wall when no one was looking.

The Hogwarts Express, standing there as glorious as ever, was already huffing and puffing out smoke.
Esma snuggled up to Jessamine's neck when she boarded the train to avoid being hit by other people since there wasn't much space. Looking outside again, Jessamine saw Ron and Hermione coming her way, while Harry was talking to Mr. Weasley, who had an earnest expression on his face.

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now