Draco in the Labyrinth

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"Have a seat you two", said Gandalf with his back turned towards them. He trailed his hands across the old books, which were all bound in black or brown leather, and finally chose a large one. With a strong grip he pulled it out of the shelf and carried it to his desk.

Mioha and Draco sat down in two chairs in front of the wooden desk and watched the old wizard lay down the large book. It was bound in black leather with a golden title. On the front was a golden symbol Mioha instantly recognized: The Metatron's Cube.

"So, Draco."
Gandalf sat down and looked at the blonde Slytherin, his face bearing a serious expression.

Draco sat very rigid in his chair, his mouth a thin line and his eyes looking like cold mirrors.

"I have taught you advanced Occlumency the best I could and have trained with you to sharpen your defenses."
Gandalf paused.
"And I consider myself a master of Occlumency. This is why you are now ready to learn about...the Order of the Phoenix."

Draco breathed in deeply and his eyes instinctively traveled to Fawkes, who sat on Gandalf's shoulder much like Esma did on Mioha's.

"Our organization was founded during the First Wizarding War", Gandalf explained. "There are hundreds of members, not only wizards and witches but also merpeople, vampires, werewolves and-"
His mouth twitched.
"-a Silverwing."

Mioha saw Draco glance at her for a second.

"Our job is to fight Voldemort and to ensure nothing happens to innocent humans and creatures, whether magical or not."
Gandalf indicated to the dusty book in front of him.
"As you may have learned, there are six Titans somewhere around the world. We do not know where all of them are at the moment, but we are sure of three."

So Nanrek and Octo really are the Titans, Mioha thought. Gandalf must have spoken to them over the holidays.

"I assume you have heard of the unicorns and werewolves falling ill?"

Draco nodded.
"Yes, sir."

"We believe that there is some wrong with the Light Titan. This is the reason the creatures of light have started to die."

"Sir, how do you know there is something wrong with the Light Titan?", Draco asked curiously.

Gandalf nodded towards Mioha.
"Because Mioha has spoken to it and the Light Titan has no memory of being a Titan at all."

"Then how do you know it really is the Titan?"

"It came to our attention because it is the only creature of its kind that hasn't fallen ill and around its presence, all other unicorns are healed", Gandalf said calmly. "The Light Titan is Orlai, the golden unicorn of the Forbidden Forest."

Draco's eyes widened.
He turned his head to stare at Mioha.
"The Light Titan is around Hogwarts?"

Mioha nodded.

"And there's something wrong with it?"

"We assume that Orlai is responsible for the other Titans' disappearance", said Gandalf. "Since all Titans are linked together, it could very well be that whatever has happened to Orlai is affecting the other five Titans too. They are all stuck in their earthly forms."

Do you know why?, Mioha wanted to ask, knowing that Octo and Nanrek must have told Gandalf about what was wrong with them. But she'd have to wait since Draco wasn't supposed to know that Gandalf was...well, Gandalf.

Draco's eyes fell on the book on the desk.
"And you are looking for the Titans to defeat the Dark Lord", he concluded.

"Partially", Gandalf admitted. "But also because if we do not figure out how to help the Titans, we will all end up like the unicorns."

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