All aboard the train

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The affair of going to Diagon Alley and buying all the books was a little difficult

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The affair of going to Diagon Alley and buying all the books was a little difficult. With more and more Death Eater attacks appearing in the newspaper, there was no way Mrs. Weasley agreed to five students venturing to Diagon Alley on their own. But she had her hands full with preparing another room for Fleur Delacour, who would be staying at the Burrow for a week after school started again. The French witch and Bill had grown awfully close, Mioha had heard. And Mr. Weasley was buried up to his neck in a stream of never ending paperwork due to more and more muggles having to get obliviated. The last thing the Wizarding World needed was muggles finding out about scary masked 'aliens' performing magic with a stick and shooting green light everywhere.
So, Fred and George volunteered. Ron, Hermione, Harry and Mioha had finally gotten their OWL results (Mioha had thank Merlin passed in all subjects with either an O or an E) and added to that, George and Fred had both been accepted in the Auror Training Program. As a little celebration for them all and to take their mind off the thoughts about Voldemort and the Titans, the twins decided to treat Mioha and the others to a little snack in London after shopping.

At Diagon Alley, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Mioha and Hermione barged into Flourish & Blotts all at once, each with a long list of books they needed. Which, perhaps, wasn't the best idea.
The old wizard behind the counter seemed a little overwhelmed and more than once sighed while patting his bald head with a handkerchief. And he already seemed to be close enough to a heart attack; his eyes nervously darted to the door every few seconds and he flinched whenever someone made a sound. Hadn't he been in such a state, he surely would have badgered Ginny with questions. It was obvious he recognized her from the papers, the way he eyed her suspiciously.

Mioha was done first and decided to wait outside. The colorful Diagon Alley from her memories, bustling with people and nosies, had disappeared. Instead the alley was empty, the few witches and wizards on the go hurrying along with their head lowered and their shoulders tense. Many shops had closed, their insides empty of any merchandise and their windows nailed shut with boards.

Mioha breathed in deeply and let her eyes wander up the alley. She actually would have suspected Voldemort to try to kidnap her since Bellatrix said he needed her for something. So why was he waiting now?

An old newspaper blew down the street, turning in the air like a cartwheel. Mioha didn't need to get a closer look to see what was on the front page. She'd seen it enough. A figure, a black and white girl with wings spreading out to the side and a blank space where her face should have been. The words Have you seen the Silverwing? were printed as a headline.

The door of the shop jingled softly and Mioha turned around to find Harry step out of the store.
"They're almost done", he said quietly. His voice seemed unnaturally loud in the empty street.

The Slytherin nodded mutely.
"It's awful, isn't it?", she mumbled and jerked her head to the closed stores.

"The bookseller said Ollivander disappeared", said Harry grimly.

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