Kings college

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A/N: I promise there will be long chapters, and I'm sorry if this sucks this is my first time writing a fanfic, anyways enjoy!

Alex's POV~

As I walked through the doors of kings college, I could feel myself sweating and my hands started fidgeting and he looked askance as I went up to the front desk.
When I walked up there, there was a lady who looked near 50's behind a computer wearing a polka-dotted dress.
She looked up from her computer and smiled at me.

"Hi I'm Alexander... I just transferred here?", I said shyly.

" Yes! Hello! Alexander your one of our newest transfer students! I'm ms. Washington!"

I shook her hand, as she smiled warmly at me.

" I have all of your information right here, as well as your dorm and room number..."

She handed me a small pair of keys and a folder to keep tract of my things. I smiled at her and waved goodbye as I headed to my dorm. When I got there I looked at my keys and the number to my dorm is 1776. When I went to the door I was fumbling with my keys when suddenly I heard a dog barking.

I turned to look, and saw a small french bulldog running straight for me. Terrified I crumpled up in a ball and prayed that it would go away.

After a minute of it barking I heard a person call out to me, it was a guy, and his voice was kinda deep, and had a thick accent to it. As I looked up I saw a guy that was the same age as me, but a little bit older, he had on a red and blue white t shirt and a nicely pulled bun on the top of his head, and dark ripped skinny jeans. As just as I was getting up he reached his hand out for me to grab.

"Mon ami are you alright?"

"Yeah it's just I haven't seen a dog in a long time!" I laughed a little as I looked down at the the adorable bulldog.

"Hey there........." i petted him and he was soon licking my hand, " what's his name?"

"His name is Jones, don't worry! He is, how you say, friendly!" He laughed a little bit as Jones was tackling me playfully.

"I'm sorry mon ami, I didn't catch your name!"

"My name is Alexander Hamilton! But you can call me Alex if you want!" As I stuck out my hand for him to shake. He took it and exchanged a nice warm smile.

"Hello! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de Lafayette! But you can call me Lafayette or laf for short!" I chuckled a bit as he said his name.

A/N edit: for some reason I thought of this video and I died 😂

"Oh! Is this your dorm?" He asked all excitedly.

"Yes! This is it!" I nodded as looked at the dorm number.

"Oh you are going to have so much fun with your roommate! He's a friend of mine! He's a really nice guy!" He said as he picked up Jones.

"Oh! What's your friend's name?" I asked as I unlocked the door to the dorm.

"His name is John, and he just moved here from South Carolina! He said because of, how you say, family issues? I don't know, but! Il a entendu dire que ce collège était le meilleur des meilleurs et voulait venir ici!"

"Ahhhhh so...... il est du sud? c'est très cool, je viens des caraïbes, et je connais aussi le français!"

"Ahhh!! You know french! Oui! That's good because now I have someone that I can speak French with and talk to my friends behind their backs!" He laughed a little, as he and I were unpacking my things and showing me around.

As I looked around the dorm, it had a tiny kitchen and 1 bathroom with a shower and there were two rooms. I noticed that one door was closed, that's probably John's room, and one wide open so I dropped all my crap in there, and decided that I would do it later.

"Hey mon ami!"

"Yeah?" I said while dropping my crap on my bed.

"My friends and I are going to this local coffee shop that's right downtown, and I was wondering if you'd like to come and meet them all?"

"Cool! I have nothing going on! I think it would be nice for me to meet some new people!"

"Alright, I'm going to text them that we're bringing a new friend!" He laughed a little bit as Jones was licking his face.

"Oh mon ami! Let me get your number!"

"Sure!" I said as I exchanged my number, and then he exchanged his.

"Here you go I just need to put Jones back in his kennel, it's in my dorm, want to come?"

"Sure!" I answered while putting my phone in my pocket.

We headed down the hall for Lafs dorm, he unlocked it with his keys and I stepped inside his dorm. The fragrance of pastries and perfume filled the air, as looked around I noticed there were blueprints or drawings or sketches of clothing and sewing needles and thread on the table. Wow there are a sure a lot creative people here! I looked around the dorm room and it was the exact same replica as John and I's room.

"Wow! You got a nice dorm!" I answered as I sat down on the couch, admiring all the decorations.

"Thanks mom ami!........ Jones is taken care of and I think we're all set to go to the the coffee shop! We can take my car!"

"Sounds good!" I got up from the couch and headed to the door.

After Laf locked his dorm, we headed down and out to the parking lot, and we got in his car and started driving away while listening to musicals. Strangely that is the same thing that we both have in common, siding from the fact that we're both immagrants. By looking at the traffic I knew that we were going to be in car for a long time, but that was ok, I liked having laf with me, at least that would give us time to bond a bit and to see what other interests we had.

A/N: hey guys! Don't worry there will be a LOT of chapters and I'm currently working on chapter 2 and 3 so stay tuned! Hahahaha cliffhanger! I'm out! Peace!

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