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A/N edit: hopefully this is long! Enjoy! And I'm sorry about the spelling mistakes!

Author's POV~

Yeah um ok I'm gonna speak now. Hi! I'm the narrator/ author of this story. Now I can't tell you my name, I'm sorry. But I can tell you what's gonna happen. Now your probably thinking: why tell me this, oh so wonderful author, why tell me when I can just read it?

Well I'm gonna tell you because it'll help with time. Now your probably thinking again: wait! What about the title? Why is it named cheating? Is someone going to cheat? On a test? Or with someone? That's for you to figure out. But I can tell you three things:

1. There's nothing wrong

2. There's probably something wrong

3. ....... there IS something wrong!

Now I can't fully tell you what's wrong. That's the thing about being the narrator/author, I CANNOT SPOIL THINGS! Because if I do, your gonna get a new awesome narrator, and that's lame. So your just gonna have to read. You know what? I'm gonna turn it over to John, he's gonna explain a little more. Take it away John!

John's POV~

Thanks! To whoever you are. Now this is what is happening: 2 weeks have already have passed and Alex is still with Eliza. Peggy's mostly been hanging out with me. And Laf and herc are STILL not a couple. Not yet at least. Because! Alex, pegs and I have a plan..... but! We'll do that later. Anyways, I'm still sad that Alex is still with Liza. Right now we're in history class, and we have to do a project. And you have to pick a partner. Alex picked me as his partner. Yay! And pegs is with Laf.

We both decided to do Christopher Jackson as the person that we were researching. We decided to head back to the dorm to work on it. We invited Laf and pegs to come over too. We all sat down and got started.

"I was maybe thinking we could do a PowerPoint or something!" I pointed out.

"That's a great idea! How about you research and I'll type it! I'm fast typer!" Alex pulled up his computer and opened the PowerPoint.

I started researching questions, like, where was he born? What school did he go to? etc.

Almost 30 minutes in I looked over and saw Alex on his phone laughing about something. He probably texting Eliza.

"Hey! Hey! Focus!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Ok! Ok! Alright!" He put his phone down.

We were almost done with the presentation/project when he got a text from his phone.

"Oh! I have to go!" He ran off.

"WAIT! Where are you goin—" it was no use he was already out the door. I looked back at Laf and pegs and they just gave me a confused face with the shoulder shrug. After they were done we talked.

"Hey! what was that about?" Peggy asked concerned.

"Hmmm I don't know...." then curiosity took over me.

"Ahh! I know that face! What are you doing?" Laf said.

"Nothing! I'm not doing anything" I said still thinking.

"I'm gonna do an experiment! I'm going to see who he's meeting!" I got up and grabbed my phone.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait..... you shouldn't invade his privacy like that.." Peggy said concerned.

"I'm not gonna invade his privacy, I'm just gonna see who he's meeting up with!"

"Welll....... if your going to do something like this....... your gonna need help! Because I KNOW! The second you set foot on your little experiment....... your gonna get caught." Peggy crossed her arms.

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