The date

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A/N edit: I'm bored. I really want people to comment, and to give me some ideas! If you guys could send me some ideas for the plot that would be great! Anyways enjoy! I added this video bc I'm bored lol 😂

Johns POV~

I woke up feeling a little better. I knew I wasn't going to throw up again. I just had a head ache. I got up and decided to take a shower. I grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom. I locked the door and started the shower. I striped down and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm never going to be enough. He doesn't love me, he already has chosen Eliza. I started crying quietly. I looked over and saw some sharp Bobby pins. I put one of them up to my wrists. No. I couldn't. Even if i didn't want to be in this world. I got in the shower and got out. I put on my clothes and walked to the kitchen.

I took out some Advil and chugged it down with some water.

"AHHHH! JEEZ!" I looked over and saw herc playing Mario cart and Laf sleeping.

"Good morning! How are you feeling?" Herc said. I made my way over to him and sat down. I played a couple rounds with him. Laf woke up.

"Heyyy mon ami! You feeling better?" He asked groaning.

"Yeah! Much better!" I said smiling. I tried hiding my feelings.

"Well we were thinking about all meeting up at the coffee shop again, we planned it when you were in bed." He said getting up and getting a drink.

"Cool! Sounds great!" I said sitting on the couch.

Then he walked out.

Alex. I didn't know what to do. I felt sad, angry, but at the same time in love. I started blushing so I grabbed a pillow and put it on my face and then took it off.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" He said as he sat down right next to me. I really tried not to blush.

"Good. Doing good! Feeling better!"

"Well, I didn't get much sleep last night." He sighed.

"Mmm why?"

"I was kinda worried about you last night. You didn't look to good. You looked like you had just seen a ghost!" He laughed. Awww! He least he kinda cares about me! That put me in a much happier mood, but beside the fact that he asked out Eliza, and that their going on the date tonight.

"Alright! Let's all get our butts in the car! Their probably all waiting for us!!" Herc grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the front door. I put on my shoes and then locked the dorm. We got inside laf's car and made our way to the coffee shop.

We walked in and saw everyone. They were talking and ordering drinks.

"JOHN! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE I NEED TO MAKE SURE YOUR OK!" Peggy screamed running up to me. She was hugging me really tightly.

"C'mon! I gotta show you something!" She grabbed my arm and we sat down. I couldn't help but feel even more sad that Eliza and Alex were sitting right next to each other.

"C'mon babe! Drink the coffee!" Thomas urged James.

"No! I don't like the taste! I'll have a energy drink!" James pushed away his drink.

"Fine! But you can't have energy drinks forever!" Thomas teased.

"I know babe!" He laughed and pecked him on the lips. I sighed. I wish that could be Alex and I. I know that it will never happen. I went up and ordered a coffee and got a muffin, since I didn't have breakfast. I sat back down and started eating my muffin.

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