Another date

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A/N edit: hopefully this is long you Guys are gonna like it. * insert Lenny face*
I don't know how to 😔

Johns POV~

I was mad at Alex. Everyone was. I could say that we didn't talk to him for 2 days. Then everyone forgot about it. Eliza was cool just being a friend, and Alex was soon forgiven. But I was still kinda mad/sad, yes, I will talk to him, it's just different. He thinks that I can't be trusted. That makes me mad. We were just trying to protect Eliza. But! On the flip side of things I notice that Laf and herc were kinda getting close. That's good I need to talk with pegs on this and to get our PLAN in motion.

"Hey pegs!" I met her after class in the library.

"Hey!" I sat down right next to her.

"Have you seen Laf and herc...." I said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah!" She smirked back.

"We need to get our plan in motion.... and we need Alex" I sighed.

"Wait plan—ohhhh!!! The blind date! Yes! But first you have to apologize to Alex!"

"What! No! He's the one that cheated!"

"Mmmm true...... butttt if you apologize he'll feel better and then you guys will be friends again!" Peggy grabbed her bag. Me, sweating nervously, yeah friends.....

"Ughhh.... ok! Let's go" I rolled my eyes and we made our way to my dorm. We went up the steps, when something caught my eye. I turned to look and it was Laf unlocking his dorm. I couldn't help but smirk. I think it's funny how they like each other but their not dating! I elbowed pegs. She saw and smirked too.

I unlocked the door, and like always, saw Alex typing away on his computer.

"Hey! Watcha typing?"

"Nothing!" He quickly said slamming his laptop down.

"Hey! Ummmm...... I've come to apologize. For spying and all that, that was not ok and I'm really sorry."

"It's fine. You were just worried, and that's fine! Now! What do you guys need help with?"

"What?" I said dumbfounded.

"Welll...... usually when it's you or Peggy or someone else, that's a sign that you need help. I'm not dumb or stupid. I can tell you need help with something." The smol child said all serious.

"Welll..... we do need your help..... you remember when we were talking about setting up Laf and herc and blind date, blah blah?"


"We should do it tonight!" I sat right next to him.

"Mmmm yes!!! Bro they are literally like a ticking time bomb just ready to EXPLODE!" Peggy said making a little explosion.

"Well, I know Laf has a class right now, he'll be done in 10 minutes. He usually calls me over to help him with an assignment! I can go over there, and then one of you guys send an anymous text to him, then Laf and I will meet you at the restaurant!" Alex said looking down at his phone.

"Whoa—wait— restaurant? What?" I was very confused.

"Already made a reservation for 2!" Alex showed me his phone, smirking.

"Whaaaa—how?!?" I grabbed his phone looking at it.

"Shhh.... Magic!" He said doing jazz hands.

"Ok...sooo.... Peggy and I will be with herc..." Alex nodded his head, "and you'll be with Laf..."

"Yep!" He grabbed his phone from my hands.

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