Break it up

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A/N edit: I have nothing to say. I hope this is long. And I want to thank everyone who has read it so far! 😊 and wow! 311 reads! That's good!

Johns POV~

I woke up to a bad feeling. And no, I'm not gonna puke. It was about what happened yesterday. I went into the bathroom and got ready. I put my hair up into a messy ponytail. Sometimes it's hard to tame curly hair! Ughh.

I got dressed and went into the kitchen. I saw Alex at the desk, typing away.

"Good morning!" He said smiling at me.

"Morning" I muttered. I didn't look at him.

"We have to hurry if we're gonna make it to mr Washington's class!" He grabbed his laptop and put it in his bag. I got on my shoes and headed out the door. I made it there first, Alex was falling behind. We got into the classroom, Alex pulled me aside.

"Hey! Are you ok? You look sad.." his hands were on my shoulders.

"Mmmm.... what? No I'm not sad, just tired that's all" I glanced at Laf and pegs. They motioned me to come.

"Hey, we better sit down" I said and both took a seat. I sat right next to Laf and Alex sat right next to pegs. Class started. It was boring. So I drew instead.

"What are we gonna do?"Laf whispered.

"I don't know, we'll just show Eliza the video, we'll meet up with her somehow" I whispered back. Laf nodded and went back to work. Class ended and I met up with Laf and Peggy. Alex left, he said he was going back to the dorm.

"Pegs, do you know what class Eliza has right now?" Laf said.

"She actually doesn't have class right now, so we can meet up with her somewhere, I'll text her" Peggy pulled out her phone.

"Oh! She's in the library! Let's go!" We ran to the library. We walked inside looking for Eliza. We found her at those round tables, reading a book. We walked up to her quietly. Because it's a library.

"Hey Eliza!" Peggy whispered.

"Hey! Are you guys ok? You don't look so good." She said concerned.

"Actually there's something that we need to show you........ or tell you..." I said looking away.

"What? What is it?" She put down her book.

"Pegs, why don't you tell her..." Laf and I said in unsion.

"Ok" Peggy took a deep breath, "You know how Alex has been meeting someone every night? Well we were curious and we wanted to see who he was meeting, and welllll......." her voice started to break, "he's cheating on you."

Silence filled the room. I looked over and saw Thomas and James sitting there, jaws opened.

"Your lying..." Eliza said quietly, looking down.

"Eliza, Peggy's your sister, she would never lie to you." I said.

"We have evidence..." Laf said quietly.

"Pegs.... phone" I held out my hand. Peggy plopped her phone in my hand and pulled up the video. Peggy showed it to Eliza. The whole room went silent. I noticed Angelica was there too, and herc joined. Tears started forming in eliza's eyes.

"I want to talk with Alex.." she said quietly her voice breaking.

"It just wasn't Laf, Peggy, John, I was there too" Herc said stepping up.

"I actually saw it too....." Thomas said quietly. We all stared at him.

"What? I was doing a night run/jog..." Thomas said quietly.

"Alex is back at the dorm.... let's go." I said, and we all got up and headed to the dorm.

No one talked on the way there. Eliza silently crying. Angelica was hugging her while walking. We made it to the dorm. Let me remind you that the whole group was there except for Aaron. Thomas, James, Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, Laf, herc and me.

"Hey guys! What's up!" Alex said looking up from his computer. His expression turned concerned when he saw us. He looked over and saw Eliza crying. He went over to her.

"Don't touch me!" Eliza said getting away. Alex looked confused and sad.

"You cheated on me..." she said quietly.

"You ALL know?" Alex said facing us. "How?"

"We all saw you.." I said quietly looking down at the ground. Peggy put her hand on my shoulder, comforting me.

Peggy pulled up the video and showed Alex. Alex looked horrified and embarrassed.

"Herc, John, Peggy and I saw you on the survallience system...." Herc pointed out.

"I was on a nightly jog/run and saw..." Thomas said quietly. Alex just stared at him for a little bit, then looked at us. Silence filled the room.

"It's over" Eliza said quietly. Tears still in her eyes. I looked at Angie and she had tears in her eyes. Everyone left the room and headed back to their dorms/houses. It was just me and Alex.
There was silence between us. I could feel him staring at me. I looked down.

"I can't believe you...." he said coldly. He walked off into his room. His door slammed loudly.

I stood there alone. There was silence. Tears started forming in my eyes. I walked to my room. I collapsed on the floor and cried silently.

"He'll never want me now..." I said quietly sobbing. I texted pegs.

Turtle boi 🐢🍻:   I know he hates me 😭

Pegs 💛:   What happened

Turtle boi 🐢🍻:   He said, "I can't believe you" then stormed off into his room and slammed the door

Pegs 💛:   I have no words.... I'm so sorry, Eliza's not doing good too 😢

Turtle boi 🐢🍻:   I'll see ya

Pegs 💛:   See ya

I turned off my phone and stared up at the ceiling. Thinking. I soon drifted asleep. Maybe he will forgive us. Then I went to sleep.

A/N edit: yeah, I'm sorry this is short! I'm working on the next chapter! I'm out peace ✌🏼

Word count: 985

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