Classes and other stuff

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A/N edit: hey guys sorry this came out really late! I had writers block for a bit and i didn't have time to write anything. Hopefully this chapter is long!

John's POV~


I quickly opened my eyes to see a large sassy baguette. He was red in the face and trying to hold back his laughter. But he was still serious.

"WHAT?!?! HOLY SHIT!!" I said as fell off the couch. I quickly got up and I was soon running around the dorm not sure of what's happening.

Laf stopped me and started yelling angrily in French. Sometimes I can't understand the guy. Just like. Please.use.words. ENGLISH WORDS.


"What?" I looked back and I saw Alex getting up and rushing to his room. What's up with him?

"Let me say this in English for you.........."


"You need to hurry the fuck up because class starts in 5 minutes, and if you don't hurry...." he started looking if Alex came back.

"My dad will kill you, me, Alex, AND Peggy."

He said it so calmly that i thought that we were going to sit down and have a painting session with Bob Ross. He sounded so calm like him. Then I snapped into reality.

"OH SHIT!!" I said as ran off to my room. I quickly grabbed a hoodie and some jeans. Then I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail while tying my shoes.

Peggy busted through the door. No...... I apologize........ she KICKED down the door! I thought she broke it!

"HOLY SHIT! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!! WE HAVE TO GO!! YOU HAVE TO GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR!!" She screamed as she pulled Laf into the hallway and started to make a mad dash to the class.

"WE'LL SAVE YOU TWO A SEAT MON AMI!!" Laf screamed as he was getting dragged by Peggy.

"COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!!" Alex said rushing out the door and he grabbed my hand and we sprinted. Good thing he didn't look back at me because I was blushing really hard right now.

We made it through the hallway doors and then passed a couple of classrooms.

"YO! How do you know the way to class?!?" I asked all out of breath.

"Laf gave me a tour....." he said out of breath. And then we walked into the classroom.

Alex's POV~

As we were sprinted to the class I was getting really out of breath. Good thing John can't see me right now because I'm really blushing.......

"YO! How do you know the way to class?!?"

"Laf gave me a tour....." I said all out breath. We walked into the classroom and everyone looked up once and then continued to do their work. I motion to John to quietly go sit right next to Peggy and Laf, who were at the very top, of the seats.

A/N edit: if you've ever seen a college movie some classrooms have high seats. Just look up a picture if that helps, if your not familiar.

As we were about to go up the steps we saw Laf signaling us to stop. He was waving his hands in the air like a crazy man. I soon looked over and saw our teacher looking at us quietly. I saw he was trying to hold back his laughter.

"Well.....Well! Mr. Laurens and—"

He quickly looked down at his roster of students.

".....And Mr. Hamilton your late. Quickly take a seat and then open your textbooks to page 153 and write a paper about any historical figure. I want the paper to be done by the end of class."

And with that I nodded and took a seat right next to Laf. I started on my first paper, I decided to write about Lin Manuel Miranda and how he brought financial systems into existence. Turned to look at John and I could tell he was struggling, so, I helped him a little.

Finally the bell rang and I turned in my papers. But Mr.Washington stopped me.

"Alex I need to speak with you for a moment."

"Ok........" I turned to John. "You can head back to the dorm I'll be there in a sec!"

"Ok...." and with that John left, leaving me and Mr. Washington alone. I noticed he was slightly chuckling at my papers. To be fair I DID write 51.

"Ummmm....... Mr. Washington sir?"

"I'm surprised and I'm trying not to laugh..."


"Your repretation precedes you, but I have to laugh!"

"Ummm, sir?"

"Alex how come your not in our government class?"

"Uh, actually I am sir..." I said as I pointed to his roster of students. He chuckled at his little mistake.

"Sooooo, we good?"

"Ah.... yes! Yes! Oh!..... and a.....tell my son.... he better not show up late again." And with that he went back to grading some of the other papers. I walked out of the class with a lot of thoughts. OK WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?!?! and..... WAIT WHO IS HIS SON? Ohhhhh........ it finally hit me with a truck. LAF is his son!! That kinda explains a lot. I noticed he didn't really look at Mr. Washington a whole lot.

As I was right at the door to the dorm I heard some screaming and laughing. What the hell is going on in there?? I opened the door to see John, Laf, and herc playing Mario cart.

"Hey guys!" I said as I set my backpack at the kitchen table.

"Hey!" John said looking for a split second then looking back at the game. I plopped on the couch and started watching them. John was in first place and the look on face was really scary, he looked like the kinda guy that didn't want to lose. Herc was in sixth place and he was determined to take first. Laf was in eighth, but what I can see is that Laf doesn't really care if he loses.

John eventually won and herc was was super disappointed. "Awww, come on man! You cheated!".

"No didn't! And you can't prove it! Ha ha!"

"Alright man!..... I'll just kick your ass next game!"

"Oh ok!" John said laughing a little bit.

"Sooooo........ what did Mr. Washington want to talk to you about?" Laf said as he plopped on the couch next to me.

"Uhhhh...... nothing much... he was just looking at my papers, and then asked me if I was in his government class"

"Cool...." he said while nodding his head.

"Also........... UOU DIDN'T TELL ME MR. WASHINGTON IS YOUR DAD!!!" I said practically shoving him a bit.

"Welllll...... I didn't want you to be weirded out at first, because ONE, we look nothing alike, and TWO, he adopted me when I was in high school."

"Hey! I'm not weirded out at all! I just wish you told me." Said while grabbing a Wii remote. I played one round until Laf got a text from Peggy.

Laf's POV~

I was watching Alex play for a bit until a got a text from my phone.

Pegs 💛:   Hey! You guys comin to the party?

Large baguette 🥖🥖:     Yeah we're comin we're just heading out

Pegs 💛:   K! Cool! See u there!

I told everyone that we have to leave if we want to make it to the party on time. We walked out of the dorm and we headed for my car. We all piled in and we made our way to the Schylur's

A/N edit: all right that's it for this chapter! Stay tuned and I am currently working on chapter 7! I'm put peace! ✌🏼

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