Worst family ever

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A/N edit: hey guys what's up! Hopefully this chapter is long anyways, there will be drama don't worry! Enjoy!

Alex's POV~

We walked back to our dorm. I know for a fact that I don't like Martha. She just pullin up ya know and kissing John! Ughhh...... disgusting. She's like on of those people that have those "fake" personalities, like their nice around other people and then their not to other people. I thought I saw her give me a little glare when she walked away.

I sat down and opened my laptop and started to type. I haven't told John yet what I have been typing. I've been typing two things, one being a musical/play and the other is a letter, I can't let him see it! I looked up from my computer to see John drawing, I was still curious about his so called "girlfriend" and his family.

I took a deep breathe.

"Hey! Soooo..... about Martha? I-I was wondering about your family and all that......" I asked nervously. He stopped drawing and stared at his paper. There was silence.

"I-it's ok, if you don't want to answer..... I was just wondering....." man am I stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Suddenly he interrupted my thoughts.

Johns POV~

I took a deep breathe, here we go.....

"No! It's ok...... you'd eventually find out..... someway...... all right here we go...... let's start with family...... well I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, James who is 15 and Henry jr. who is 13, And then Martha who is 16 and Mary who is 5. And then I have my dad, but we'll get to him later, and then I have my mom. She has always been there for me..... when I came out to her and told her of my sexuality she supported me and she understood....... and then she died...." my voice started to break and stifled back some sobs.

Alex hugged me sympathetically. I wiped away my tears and continued.

"My mom died when I was 12 she was very sick...... Mary was only 1 when she died so she really doesn't have a mother figure in her life..... now my dad......" I shuddered at the thought of him. Alex could tell I was uncomfortable but I pushed it away.

"My d-d-dad..... ummmm...... well he wasn't always the greatest..... he treated me differently, when he found out about my sexuality....... h-he....... he did terrible things, he was mad, he would treat me like one of his personalized slave and would make fun of me in front of his homophobic friends, he abused me verbally and physically." I lifted up the back of my shirt, to reveal scars going all the way down my back. Alex softly gasped. I continued.

"One night..... I had enough of it..... I quietly grabbed all the clothes that I could grab and then grabbed some personal items that I wanted to keep with me......" I pulled out a picture of my siblings and my mom. He looked at it.

"And then I stole some money that my dad had and bought myself a plane ticket and flew out here....... and you better believe that I took the first class seats!" I laughed. He laughed and handed me the photo.

"But it wasn't just me, who he was abusing....." Alex looked up at me slightly. I sighed.

"He did abuse my siblings and he did it to my mom before she died. He's a bad alcoholic, he's a mean drunk, I remember hiding with my siblings and him smashing some bottles and him screaming our names....... and that's all I wanted to say about my past...... and with Martha she's a family friend, she's my dads co-worker's daughter, and I think their actually planning on making an arranged marriage, my dad set us up on some dates, and yeah, I had no choice............

But Martha is a really sweet young girl and the thing is, is that we both have something in common....... we both do therapy together.... we have depression, she would remind me to take my pills and I would remind her..... and then I left...... somehow! she found me. That means that my dads gonna find me too!"

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