The car ride

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A/N: I'm so sorry if this is short! But anyways enjoy!

Lafs POV~

As we got in my car I was excited for Alex to meet my friends! Hopefully he will like everyone.

"Hey mon ami...... do you like musicals?" I asked shyly not knowing if he was a musical kind of guy.

"Are you serious.............. I LOVE musicals!"

"What are your favorites?"

"Well, I love Heathers, Miranda (Hamilton), Dear Evan Hansen, In the Heights, and that's about it." He said while playing with his hoodie strings.

About an 1 hour of singing Miranda, we decided to count how many cars there are on the road (in colors) and if you lose you had to ask the person a personal question. I won because I was cest best! Who's the the best? Cest moi! I got the total of 42 red cars, while Alex got 23.

"Ok Alex! What is your favorite color, food, and store!

"Oh this is simple....... ummmmmm........
green, steak, and Barnes Books and Noble!"

"Ok! Now I have to ask you one!" He said with a devilish smile. I knew this question was going to hard because of the way he was smiling.

"Do you have a crush on anyone particular? It could be in your friend group or someone at school." He was now changing one of the songs that we were listening to. Oh no, oh no, oh no! Should I tell him? Would he think I'm weird? I could feel my face getting hot and turning to the color of red roses.

"I'm sorry that was a bad question to ask...... it's ok! You don't have to answer that one....." he said while looking out the window feeling embarrassed.

"No! It's ok! I-I ummmmmm............. actually do have a crush on someone........ their in my friend group."

"Ooooooooo...... who is it?" He responded smiling devilishly again. I laughed at his smile because he was really bad at making that smile.

"Ummm....... his name is Hercules, and well......." I couldn't help but smile and blush even harder, and this time I couldn't stop smiling. Alex soon noticed and I stopped smiling because I was worried of what he'll think.

"Awwwwwwww!" He said while putting his two hands on his face.

"Hey! Alright! Alright! mon ami!" I laughed as I pushed him aside

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"Hey! Alright! Alright! mon ami!" I laughed as I pushed him aside.

"Hey! enough about me! Where did you transfer from? je suis curieux?" Then I gave him the devil smile. 

He laughed as I attempted to make one! I couldn't blame him it was horrible! My face looked like I was tryin to hold my breath without laughing and while tryin to take a shit.

"I ummmm......  I'm actually from the Caribbean from a small island called Nevis. Let's just say it was not the best home, I had a bad past and that's all I want to say about it............ but I'm just glad that I can start fresh here in New York!" He responded sounding sad and scared.

"Hey that's ok........ you don't have to tell me EVERYTHING right away!" I joked while I moved 5 feet ahead, because the car ahead of me moved up.

Time skip brought to you buy: Anthony Ramos dabbing

Finally the traffic has cleared out and we were going the normal speed limit. As I looked down the street I could tell we were getting close by so I decided to let Alex know that we were getting close and that he should help me find a parking spot.

After 10 minutes of searching for a spot we finally found one! Yes! And we parked and got out the car.

"Don't worry the coffee shop isn't far from here it's just a block away! Luckily for us I know a shortcut!" I said as I put my keys in my pocket.

As we hustled down the street we turned a corner that eventually led us into another parking lot.

"See mon ami! The coffee shop is right there in front of the parking lot and we saved 4 minutes because normally it would take you 12 minutes!" Because it took us 8 minutes because Alex had to tie one of his shoes.

As we made our way across the parking lot I was feeling excited for Alex to meet my group of friends. As we stepped inside the coffee shop the smell of coffee and caramel filled the air, as I was looking for the group. Pegs said that they were sitting in a booth. And then that's when we found them.

A/N edit: I want to say thank you to some of the people that have already have read this! It means a lot! I am currently now working on chapter 3 and 4!

Also........ Hahahaha!! Cliffhanger!!

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