The BIG game

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A/N edit: hey! Sorry you guys have to read such a trashy book. I'm like literally looking at other authors writings and stuff and I'm like "Wow this sucks"

So! I'm gonna try and improve it! Here you guys go!

Alex's POV~

I woke up really tired. For some reason, I dunno. The only thing that I remember was John and I holding hands then me ending up in my bed and John coming into my room. Yeah that's basically it.

I got up and winced. I looked at my shoulder. It wasn't really that bad. The smell of pancakes and bacon hit me, it smelled so good. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

I yawned, and rubbed my eyes. "Good morning Alex!" I looked over to who spoke. It was Laf, he was making pancakes and serving bacon.

"Uh, hi" I waved slightly. Herc was sitting down quietly snickering and giggling at me.

"What? What's so funny?" I asked confused, I turned around to see if there was something on me. "No dude, you only have your underwear on!" He pointed at me. I looked down and I did.

Crap! I didn't have my shirt on! I can't let anyone see my stitches! I looked around the room quickly for a spare shirt or something. Then John rushed past me. "Oh! Hey Alex!" He smiled as he ran into the bathroom.

"HEY ALEX?" He screamed. "YEAH?" I screamed back, I was looking for a shirt frantically. I turned to Laf and got an idea.

"Laf! GIVE ME YOUR SHIRT!" I angrily whispered. "What?" He looked at me dumbfounded for a second. "NOW!" I angrily whispered yelled.

Laf took off his shirt and handed it to me. He practically threw it in my face. Nice. I quickly put it on. Then John walked out of the bathroom.

".....HEY ALEX! DO YOU KNOW IF WE HAVE ANYMORE TOOTHPassttteee......." he stopped his sentence and stared at the scene. I was leaning over the kitchen counter smiling nervously, herc was choking on his juice, and Laf was cooking without a shirt on.

"Don't mind moi! Just cooking without a shirt!" Laf said trying to stifle a laugh.

Herc swallowed some of his juice. "Oh wow" he said dryly, and then coughed.

"What's up" I said quickly doing finger guns.

"Right. Ok. Well, we don't have any toothpaste, and ummmm..... oh! Alex I forgot to tell you that we are going to a basketball game tonight!" He came around and grabbed a plate of pancakes.

"What? Why?" I whined. I did mean for it to come out that way. John handed me the pancakes that he had. "Because, it's fun! And We are going to do it! Also, tickets were nearly sold out and I wanted to go" he smiled.

I huffed and sat down next to herc eating my pancakes. John went around the counter to get some coffee.

"Oh! Hey! John? Just to let you know, I invited Martha to come with us to the game tonight!" Herc said through a mouthful of pancakes. "Wha- Wha- WHY?" He slammed the coffee pot down. He gave herc a angry look.

"Because! We haven't seen her in a while and I thought that we should invite her to do something with our group! Unless, she isn't our friend..... is she our friend? Also I texted her."

"No. No." John sighed. "She is our friend, it's just that— she doesn't really go to games and such, she more of a shopper and all that, and also! You know how she acts when she is around me! Ughhhh. What did she say? And also...... YOU HAVE HER PHONE NUMBER?!"

"She says she's in, because I maybe have a little teansy bit told her that...... you were going to be there." Herc sunk into his chair.

John took a really loud deep breath. "Ok. It's fine. Y'a know she not going to be MAD AT ME THAT I DIDN'T TELL HER!" He screamed that last part. He eventually calmed down and finished his coffee.

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