The party

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A/N edit: hey guys! Sorry for my spelling mistakes, if u caught those, I'm hoping I get more than 50 reads or 10k. Anyway, enjoy! 😊

Johns POV~

We got in the car and started driving off to the sisters house. I was bored looking out the window there was nothing to see, so I looked to see what Alex was doing. He was doing the same thing. Looking out the window. I've been to the sisters house many times but I sometimes forget where to go if I need to go their house. The sun was coming down so I decided to look at my phone until we got there.
We finally arrived, being a little bit early, and we made our way to the front entrance.

A/N edit: sorry for such a short POV but! I wanted to do Alex's since he was new to the area. And hopefully this will be long a chapter. Also a "village" is a collect of stores in one spot, just to clarify, it's like a outdoor mall, but fancier.

Alex's POV~

As we were leaving the dorms I took in my surroundings and places. We headed downtown, passing shops and "villages" and beauty salons, etc. it took us 15 minutes to finally pull into their neighborhood, there was a lot of traffic. As I was looking at the neighborhood, I was super surprised and in awe at all of the houses. The houses were gigantic!! All of them had at least a swimming pool! And they looked very fancy too. That's when I realized the schylur sisters were probably rich.

"So I'm assuming the sisters are rich, yes?"

"Oh yes! There dad is LOADED! But hey! Johns family is kinda rich too! But he doesn't like to talk about that." Laf said as he pulled into their driveway.

We grabbed our swimming stuff and went up to the steps and rang the doorbell. I heard some stomping, it was really loud, and it got quicker and then the door swung wide open.

"HEYYYYYY!!!! YOU GUYS MADE ITTTTT!!! YAY!!! NOW GET YOUR ASSES INSIDE!!! WHOOOO!! LETS PARTY!!!" Peggy said as she hugged us individually.

"PEGGY! Watch your language! Don't mind her she's just excited! I'll show you where to go." Eliza said sternly but then she was all sweet.

Eliza led us to the living room and it was huge the ceiling was so tall! Everything they had in there was super expensive and nice.

"HELLOOO" I said screaming. My voice echoed off the ceiling and kept echoing. I laughed a little bit at this.

Eliza and Peggy laughed too and so did Laf, herc and John. We went through a door way that led us into a kitchen that led us to the back yard door. As we got out there everything was set up so beautifully. There was food, music and of course booze. I looked over and saw Angelica all frazzled and stressed as she was fixing some of the food.

"Hey Angie!" I said waving to her.

"Hey!" She said as she made her way over to me.

"The party is looking great! You and your sisters did an awesome job!"

"Oh thank you! I was really hoping everything would be ok! Anyways enjoy the party!"

"Thanks!" I said setting my stuff on a beach chair. I looked around and saw everyone that I met at the coffee shop. Thomas, James, eliza, Peggy, Angelica, Laf, herc, John, Aaron and a girl that he brought with him. I walked over to Aaron to see what he was up to and to also meet that girl that he brought with him.

"Hey Aaron! How's it going!" I said as I made my way over to him.

"Hey! I'm doing great! I don't think I introduced you to my girlfriend! Also, you can call me Burr if you want"

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